October 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Oct 1 01:49:08 EDT 2003
Ending: Fri Oct 31 20:18:51 EST 2003
Messages: 275
- [openbox] anything equivalent to alt+arrow keys?
Lee Aylward
- [openbox] Re: Openbox-3.0-rc2 released
David Barr
- [openbox] Openbox 3 and struts
David Barr
- [openbox] gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
David Barr
- problem with rox and openbox
David Philip Barr
- Openbox-3.0-rc2 released
David Philip Barr
- Openbox-3.0-rc2 released
David Philip Barr
- Slow menu drawing
David Philip Barr
- [openbox] gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
Le Roux Bodenstein
- I need help converting my keybindings from epist
Le Roux Bodenstein
- [openbox] I need help converting my keybindings from epist
Le Roux Bodenstein
- Window Decorations
Kim Bratlie
- dock
Brett Campbell
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
Brett Campbell
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
Brett Campbell
- building & restarting
Brett Campbell
- [openbox] building & restarting
Brett Campbell
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox-3.0-rc3 released
Brett Campbell
- Openbox-3.0-rc3 and focus of the gnome-panel
Dugan Chen
- [openbox] Problems translating obconf and openbox
Peter Chiocchetti
- [openbox] German translations for Openbox+ObConf
Peter Chiocchetti
- [openbox] German translations for Openbox+ObConf
Peter Chiocchetti
- another v2 feature missing
Peter Chiocchetti
- [openbox] openbox 3 moving maximised windows
Peter Chiocchetti
- [openbox] French translation of ObConf
Peter Chiocchetti
- focus last
Peter Chiocchetti
- [openbox] focus last
Peter Chiocchetti
- [openbox] nautilus and openbox3
Bobby R. Cox
- nautilus and openbox3
Bobby R. Cox
- [openbox] nautilus and openbox3
Bobby R. Cox
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
Bobby R. Cox
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
Bobby R. Cox
- OB3 on FreeBSD
Bobby R. Cox
- [openbox] OB3 on FreeBSD
Bobby R. Cox
- [openbox] another focus prob (3rc3 as well)
Cas Cremers
- [openbox] another focus prob (3rc3 as well)
Cas Cremers
- [openbox] another focus prob (3rc3 as well)
Cas Cremers
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox 3.0 Release Candidate 4 released
Fryderyk Dziarmagowski
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox 3.0 Release Candidate 4 released
Fryderyk Dziarmagowski
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox 3.0 Release Candidate 4 released
Fryderyk Dziarmagowski
- French translation of ObConf
Valéry Febvre
- [openbox] openbox 3 moving maximised windows
Derek Foreman
- [openbox] Re: Slow menu drawing
Derek Foreman
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
Ryan Freeman
- [openbox] building & restarting
Ryan Freeman
- [openbox] weird stuff
Ryan Freeman
- [openbox] weird stuff
Ryan Freeman
- executing programs from menu
Ryan Freeman
- [openbox] executing programs from menu
Ryan Freeman
- Ob3 not honoring `skip taskbar'?
James Michael Fultz
- [openbox] Setting an environment var in menu.xml?
Alexander Futasz
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
Alexander Futasz
- Slow menu drawing
Adam Gent
- [openbox] rc1 ... what happened to menu.xml and rc.xml???????
Matthew Graybosch
- [openbox] rc1 ... what happened to menu.xml and rc.xml???????
Matthew Graybosch
- [openbox] building & restarting
Matthew Graybosch
- [openbox] building & restarting
Matthew Graybosch
- [openbox] Window Decorations
Matthew Graybosch
- 3.0-rc4 compile error
Alan Grosskurth
- openbox 3.0rc4 and gdesklets?
Horst Gutmann
- Menu and UTF-8
Tomas Hellstr|m
- [openbox] openbox 3 moving maximised windows
Andy Holmes
- Final version naming?
Andy Holmes
- [openbox] Slow menu drawing
Andy Holmes
- [openbox] rc1 ... what happened to menu.xml and rc.xml???????
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] wire window resize?
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] window move popup?
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] wire window resize?
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Menu and UTF-8
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] rc1 ... what happened to menu.xml and rc.xml???????
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] nautilus and openbox3
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Menu and UTF-8
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] nautilus and openbox3
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Help for an openbox2 user moving to openbox3
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] parse_close() -> xmlFree() ?
Ben Jansens
- Openbox-3.0-rc2 released
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Re: Openbox-3.0-rc2 released
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
Ben Jansens
- [ANNOUNCE] Openbox-3.0-rc3 released
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Openbox-3.0-rc3 and focus of the gnome-panel
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox-3.0-rc3 released
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Multiple screens not considered correctly in Openbox-3.0-rc3
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Multiple screens not considered correctly in Openbox-3.0-rc3
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] startup notification from gnome menu
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] praise / open to a particular workspace?
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Multiple screens not considered correctly in Openbox-3.0-rc3
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Multiple screens not considered correctly in Openbox-3.0-rc3
Ben Jansens
- Tester for multiple screens
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] obconf gcc 2.95 compatibility
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Tester for multiple screens
Ben Jansens
- [ANNOUNCE] Openbox 3.0 Release Candidate 4 released
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] weird stuff
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] restart moves window frames down
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox 3.0 Release Candidate 4 released
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] Openbox 3 and struts
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] notice when windows are hung
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] keybindings stop working on empty desktop
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] kde keybindings override openbox's
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] openbox 3 moving maximised windows
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] n00b - replace metacity
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] executing programs from menu
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] executing programs from menu
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] OB3 on FreeBSD
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] I need help converting my keybindings from epist
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] French translation of ObConf
Ben Jansens
- [openbox] kde keybindings override openbox's
Ava Arachne Jarvis
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
Ava Arachne Jarvis
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
Ava Arachne Jarvis
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
Ava Arachne Jarvis
- [openbox] pipe-menus.. character encoding, high ascii and special xml chars
Ava Arachne Jarvis
- [openbox] pipe-menus.. character encoding, high ascii and special xml chars
Ava Arachne Jarvis
- [openbox] pipe-menus.. character encoding, high ascii and special xml chars
Ava Arachne Jarvis
- How To Skip Windows in NextWindow/OT Term Emulator Question
Adam Kessel
- [openbox] How To Skip Windows in NextWindow/OT Term Emulator Question
Adam Kessel
- Pager in Dock (was Re: [openbox] How To Skip Windows in NextWindow/OT Term Emulator Question)
Adam Kessel
- [openbox] Pager in Dock (was Re: [openbox] How To Skip Windows in NextWindow/OT Term Emulator Question)
Adam Kessel
- [openbox] Re: Openbox-3.0-rc2 released
Michael Leuchtenburg
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
Michael Leuchtenburg
- immediate focus (was: openbox 3 comments/questions)
Michael Leuchtenburg
- [openbox] Setting an environment var in menu.xml?
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] another focus prob (3rc3 as well)
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] keybindings stop working on empty desktop
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] announce: ob3_wall, wallpaper selection pipe-menu app
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] Ob3 not honoring `skip taskbar'?
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] When click does the raising
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] anything equivalent to alt+arrow keys?
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] I need help converting my keybindings from epist
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] How To Skip Windows in NextWindow/OT Term Emulator Question
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] How To Skip Windows in NextWindow/OT Term Emulator Question
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] Pager in Dock (was Re: [openbox] How To Skip Windows in NextWindow/OT Term Emulator Question)
Mikael Magnusson
- [openbox] Re: Slow menu drawing
Mikael Magnusson
- Help for an openbox2 user moving to openbox3
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox-3.0-rc3 released
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- praise / open to a particular workspace?
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- [openbox] gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- [openbox] gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- n00b - replace metacity
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- ugh, sorry.
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- [openbox] executing programs from menu
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- [openbox] executing programs from menu
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- [openbox] kde kicker start bar & openbox3
Roland Glenn McIntosh
- [openbox] Menu and UTF-8
Arwed von Merkatz
- [openbox] Menu and UTF-8
Arwed von Merkatz
- problem with rox and openbox
Arwed von Merkatz
- [openbox] Re: problem with rox and openbox
Arwed von Merkatz
- [openbox] Openbox-3.0-rc2 released
Arwed von Merkatz
- [openbox] Re: Openbox-3.0-rc2 released
Arwed von Merkatz
- [openbox] Re: Openbox-3.0-rc2 released
Arwed von Merkatz
- [openbox] wire window resize?
- [openbox] window move popup?
- [openbox] wire window resize?
- announce: ob3_headlines; rss/rdf feed menu
- parse_close() -> xmlFree() ?
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox-3.0-rc3 released
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox-3.0-rc3 released
- [openbox] another focus prob (3rc3 as well)
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox 3.0 Release Candidate 4 released
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox 3.0 Release Candidate 4 released
- [openbox] restart moves window frames down
- All desktops sendto item
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
- announce: ob3_wall, wallpaper selection pipe-menu app
- [openbox] announce: ob3_wall, wallpaper selection pipe-menu app
- [openbox] announce: ob3_wall, wallpaper selection pipe-menu app
- [openbox] announce: ob3_wall, wallpaper selection pipe-menu app
- [openbox] Final version naming?
- pipe-menus.. character encoding, high ascii and special xml chars
- [openbox] pipe-menus.. character encoding, high ascii and special xml chars
- [openbox] pipe-menus.. character encoding, high ascii and special xml chars
- [openbox] pipe-menus.. character encoding, high ascii and special xml chars
- [openbox] 3.0-rc4 compile error
- [openbox] Slow menu drawing
- [openbox] Slow menu drawing
- [openbox] focus last
- [openbox] How To Skip Windows in NextWindow/OT Term Emulator Question
- [openbox] another focus prob (3rc3 as well)
Marius Nita
- [openbox] ./configure error out of CVS
Marius Nita
- [openbox] Re: Slow menu drawing
Marius Nita
- Openbox 3 and struts
Marcelo Ramos
- [openbox] Openbox 3 and struts
Marcelo Ramos
- [openbox] dock
Tim Riley
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox 3.0 Release Candidate 4 released
Tim Riley
- [openbox] kde keybindings override openbox's
Tim Riley
- [openbox] announce: ob3_wall, wallpaper selection pipe-menu app
Tim Riley
- Release parties!
Tim Riley
- [openbox] Signal to force reload
Tim Riley
- [openbox] ./configure error out of CVS
Tim Riley
- openbox focus wish list
John Russell
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
John Russell
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
John Russell
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
John Russell
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
John Russell
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
John Russell
- startup notification from gnome menu
John Russell
- [openbox] praise / open to a particular workspace?
John Russell
- restart moves window frames down
John Russell
- [openbox] restart moves window frames down
John Russell
- [openbox] restart moves window frames down
John Russell
- notice when windows are hung
John Russell
- keybindings stop working on empty desktop
John Russell
- [openbox] keybindings stop working on empty desktop
John Russell
- kde keybindings override openbox's
John Russell
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
John Russell
- [openbox] gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
John Russell
- [openbox] gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
John Russell
- [openbox] gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
John Russell
- [openbox] gnome-panel PagerApplet hates me.
John Russell
- [openbox] executing programs from menu
John Russell
- [openbox] executing programs from menu
John Russell
- When click does the raising
John Russell
- [openbox] When click does the raising
John Russell
- ./configure error out of CVS
John Russell
- [openbox] ./configure error out of CVS
John Russell
- German translations for Openbox+ObConf
Guido Schimmels
- [openbox] German translations for Openbox+ObConf
Guido Schimmels
- 3rc2 focus prob.
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
- [openbox] 3rc2 focus prob.
- Problems translating obconf and openbox
Nicolás de la Torre
- [openbox] rc1 ... what happened to menu.xml and rc.xml???????
Robert Upshall
- [openbox] rc1 ... what happened to menu.xml and rc.xml???????
Robert Upshall
- [openbox] rc1 ... what happened to menu.xml and rc.xml???????
Robert Upshall
- [openbox] openbox focus wish list
Robert Upshall
- [openbox] Setting an environment var in menu.xml?
Marc Wilson
- [openbox] Multiple screens not considered correctly in Openbox-3.0-rc3
Marc Wilson
- [openbox] restart moves window frames down
Marc Wilson
- [openbox] notice when windows are hung
Marc Wilson
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
Marc Wilson
- [openbox] kde kicker start bar & openbox3
Marc Wilson
- weird stuff
Richard Witt
- [openbox] weird stuff
Richard Witt
- [openbox] weird stuff
Richard Witt
- obconf gcc 2.95 compatibility
Corey Wright
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
Corey Wright
- Multiple screens not considered correctly in Openbox-3.0-rc3
Kacper Wysocki
- [openbox] Multiple screens not considered correctly in Openbox-3.0-rc3
Kacper Wysocki
- [openbox] Multiple screens not considered correctly in Openbox-3.0-rc3
Kacper Wysocki
- Openbox-3.0-rc1 Debian packages
Kacper Wysocki
- xine fullscreen crashes openbox in xinerama - RESOLVED
Kacper Wysocki
- [openbox] Multiple screens not considered correctly in Openbox-3.0-rc3
Kacper Wysocki
- [openbox] xine fullscreen crashes openbox in xinerama - RESOLVED
Kacper Wysocki
- [openbox] xine fullscreen crashes openbox in xinerama - RESOLVED
Kacper Wysocki
- [openbox] Tester for multiple screens
Kacper Wysocki
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox-3.0-rc1
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox-3.0-rc1
- [openbox] notice when windows are hung
mangosoft at comhem.se
- [openbox] ./configure error out of CVS
ipajari at lut.fi
- openbox 3 comments/questions
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
- [openbox] openbox 3 moving maximised windows
- kde kicker start bar & openbox3
- [openbox] xine fullscreen crashes openbox in xinerama - RESOLVED
t3xplri02 at sneakemail.com
- [openbox] Re: Openbox-3.0-rc1 Debian packages
t3xplri02 at sneakemail.com
- [openbox] xine fullscreen crashes openbox in xinerama - RESOLVED
t3xplri02 at sneakemail.com
- [openbox] [ANNOUNCE] Openbox 3.0 Release Candidate 4 released
t3xplri02 at sneakemail.com
- [openbox] openbox 3 comments/questions
t3xplri02 at sneakemail.com
- [openbox] Ob3 not honoring `skip taskbar'?
t3xplri02 at sneakemail.com
- Signal to force reload
t3xplri02 at sneakemail.com
- [openbox] Slow menu drawing
t3xplri02 at sneakemail.com
- Setting an environment var in menu.xml?
roland at steeltorch.com
Last message date:
Fri Oct 31 20:18:51 EST 2003
Archived on: Thu Mar 12 04:21:21 EDT 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).