announce: ob3_headlines; rss/rdf feed menu

Mike logan at
Thu Oct 2 02:53:20 EDT 2003


Was bored, so I made another pipe-menu thinger. :P

ob3_headlines is like the *headlines menu scripts for other window managers. Grabs RSS/RDF feeds from various webservers for display in the menu. It requires openbox3 libraries/includes and libcurl (

A number of default feeds exist, but custom feeds can be added as well.

# created after the first run
  command = mozilla -remote openURL(%s,new-window)
  feed_ttl = 900
  feed = Example_Feed1||||||rss
  feed = Example_Feed2||||||rdf

Currently only RSS/RDF is supported. Custom feeds must contain: name, url, and type (rss or rdf). I've no problem with adding other feed types, so long as they are workable with parse_load() and preferably not needing too many other changes to the existing code.

I looked at fark's feed, but it was different enough from the other rss/rdf feeds I've seen to be annoying, so there's no <fark></fark> support. :P

Feed data is downloaded to ~/.config/openbox/.ob3_headlines/cache/, refreshing after 15 minutes (default).

# menu examples for freshmeat and slashdot
  <menu id="ob3_headlines-freshmeat" label="Freshmeat"
    execute="ob3_headlines freshmeat" />
  <menu id="ob3_headlines-slashdot" label="Slashdot"
    execute="ob3_headlines slashdot" />

The feed lookup is not case-sensitive. Run with no args to see a list of available feeds or usage.

A note about the default browser command for Mozilla(Firebird)... Depending on the installation of mozilla (maybe some binary packages include a nice script?), mozilla -remote openURL(%s,new-window) might not work if another instance of mozilla isn't already running.

In that case a simple script could be created to work regardless, like:
    mozilla -remote 'openURL('$1',new-window)' || mozilla "$1"

Then just update the rc to use: %s (or whatever ya call it).

Feedback is welcome. :)


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