Played one map, then crashed on the next.

Rick Page mpcacrucesalus at
Sun Oct 14 18:41:14 EDT 2007

I have attached to log files. The DedicatedServerCrashed.log file is the log
file generated when the crashed happened. The other is the log file when
trying to restart server.
Hope it is helpful.

Here is a look at the one while trying to restart server:
Log: Log file open,
Init: Version: 3464
Init: Epic Internal: 0
Init: Compiled: Oct 13 2007 22:35:22
Init: Command line: server
-log=DedicatedServer.log -login=mpcCruce1 -password=Xfilez -multihome= -port=7777 -nohomedir
Init: Base directory:
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTEditor.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTEngine.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTGame.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTInput.ini
Log: GConfig::LoadFile has loaded file:  ../UTGame/Config/UTUI.ini
Init: File handle limit is soft=(1024), hard=(1024).
Init: Computer: unknown
Init: User: i365
Init: BSD Sockets initialized
DevStats: GSecondsPerCycle 1.000000e-06
Init: Presizing for 83221 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: DEMOVERSION is defined.
Init: Startup System Settings:
Init: System Settings:
Init:     StaticDecals=true
Init:     DynamicDecals=true
Init:     DynamicLights=true
Init:     DynamicShadows=true
Init:     LightEnvironmentShadows=true
Init:     CompositeDynamicLights=false
Init:     DirectionalLightmaps=true
Init:     MotionBlur=true
Init:     DepthOfField=true
Init:     Bloom=true
Init:     QualityBloom=true
Init:     Distortion=true
Init:     DropParticleDistortion=false
Init:     SpeedTreeLeaves=true
Init:     SpeedTreeFronds=true
Init:     OnlyStreamInTextures=false
Init:     LensFlares=true
Init:     FogVolumes=true
Init:     FloatingPointRenderTargets=true
Init:     Trilinear=false
Init:     OneFrameThreadLag=true
Init:     UseVsync=false
Init:     UpscaleScreenPercentage=true
Init:     Fullscreen=false
Init:     AllowD3D10=true
Init:     EnableHighPolyChars=false
Init:     SkeletalMeshLODBias=0
Init:     ParticleLODBias=0
Init:     DetailMode=2
Init:     ShadowFilterQualityBias=0
Init:     MaxAnisotropy=4
Init:     MaxMultisamples=1
Init:     MinShadowResolution=32
Init:     MaxShadowResolution=512
Init:     ResX=800
Init:     ResY=600
Init:     ScreenPercentage=100.000
Init:     SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier=1.000
Init:     FoliageDrawRadiusMultiplier=1.000
Init:     ShadowTexelsPerPixel=2.000
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_World: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_WorldNormalMap: (MinLODSize=
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_WorldSpecular: (MinLODSize=
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_Character: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterNormalMap: (MinLODSize=
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterSpecular: (MinLODSize=
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_Weapon: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponNormalMap: (MinLODSize=
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponSpecular: (MinLODSize=
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_Vehicle: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleNormalMap: (MinLODSize=
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleSpecular: (MinLODSize=
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_Effects: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_Skybox: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_UI: (MinLODSize=   1,MaxLODSize=4096,LODBias=0)
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_LightAndShadowMap: (MinLODSize=
Log:     TEXTUREGROUP_RenderTarget: (MinLODSize=
Init: Friendly System Settings:
Init:     TextureDetail=Level5
Init:     WorldDetail=Level5
Init:     bUseVSync=0
Init:     bUseMSAA=0
Init:     ScreenPercentage=100
Init:     UpscaleScreenPercentage=1
Init:     ResX= 800
Init:     ResY= 600
Init:     Fullscreen=0
Log: Initializing FaceFX...
Log: FaceFX initialized:
Log:     version  1.710000
Log:     licensee Unreal Engine 3 Licensee
Log:     project  Unreal Engine 3 Project
Developer Backtrace:
Log: [ 1]  ./ut3demo-bin [0x8b4763d]
Log: [ 2]  /lib/tls/ [0x4de9c8]
Log: [ 3]  /lib/tls/ [0x4d9e34]
Log: [ 4]  ./ut3demo-bin [0x804f806]
Log: [ 5]  ./ut3demo-bin [0x804f850]
Log: [ 6]  ./ut3demo-bin [0x8a90a04]
Log: [ 7]  ./ut3demo-bin [0x8ad7d09]
Log: [ 8]  ./ut3demo-bin [0x8050595]
Log: [ 9]  ./ut3demo-bin [0x8052840]
Log: [10]  ./ut3demo-bin [0x805471c]
Log: [11]  ./ut3demo-bin [0x804d95f]
Log: [12]  ./ut3demo-bin [0x804dc18]
Log: [13]  /lib/tls/ [0x125de3]
Log: [14]  ./ut3demo-bin(__gxx_personality_v0+0x119) [0x804cf71]
Exit: Exiting.
Exit: Name subsystem shutting down
Uninitialized: Log file closed,
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