[openbox] Focus-under-mouse doesn't work (mostly)

Ian Zimmerman itz at primate.net
Fri Sep 30 16:34:25 EDT 2016

On 2016-09-30 14:41, Jim Rees wrote:

> Another thing that twm got right but doesn't work in openbox is taking
> focus away from a window when the mouse leaves it.

I think this is actually by design.  openbox is truly "focus _follows_
mouse", not "focus under mouse".  I think there are other WMs too which
do it this way.

> Considering that 'focus-follows-mouse' is how God's window manager
> works, it's very hard to find an earthly window manager that gets it
> right.

I was a focus-under-mouse guy too, before I started using openbox.  But
the number of corner cases which didn't work, or at least behaved
surprisingly, was too great so I "changed my habits" (that was before I
learned to hate that phrase, LOL).  But openbox is not a vanilla
click-to-focus WM either: it decouples focus and z-position commands, so
I can have keybindings that raise a window but not focus it, and vice
versa.  And given my steadily shrinking mouse usage this is actually a
more important feature to me than FFM/FUM.

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