[openbox] Focus-under-mouse doesn't work (mostly)

Jim Rees rees at umich.edu
Fri Sep 30 14:41:52 EDT 2016

Ian Zimmerman wrote:

  On 2016-09-30 12:58, Grant Edwards wrote:
  > [I've been using 'focus-follows-mouse' since I started using X11 in
  > the 80's (I think it was twm back then), and now I just always assume
  > without thinking that input goes to the window where the mouse pointer
  > is.  It's very disconcerting when it doesn't.]
  Were situations like those in this thread (i.e. a new or newly exposed
  window that happens to be under the pointer) handled correctly in twm?

In my case, yes. I spent some time staring at the twm code and comparing it
to openbox but never did get it figured out.

Another thing that twm got right but doesn't work in openbox is taking focus
away from a window when the mouse leaves it.

Considering that 'focus-follows-mouse' is how God's window manager works,
it's very hard to find an earthly window manager that gets it right.

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