[openbox] switch to a window and then switch back

Ian Zimmerman itz at primate.net
Sun Sep 25 11:27:28 EDT 2016

On 2016-09-23 12:14, Ɓukasz Grabowski wrote:

> The better solution would allow to do the following: let's say I'm in
> desktop 2. Then I press C-A-s and I see firefox window on dekstop 1,
> then if I press C-A-s again then I should go back to desktop 2.

I learned to do all window switching in two ways: with the Windows menu,
or with the directional focus keybindings.  This almost always gets me
to the target window in 3 keystrokes, in a few cases I may need 4.  And
they are _successive_ keystrokes not chords, which makes them much more
ergonomic.  When you look at a single switching operation in isolation
it may seem cumbersome, but I'm convinced on average it wins against the
more traditional ways.

I know this doesn't directly answer your question, sorry for that.  I'd
just love the herd to behave rationally for once :-P

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