[openbox] how to change language for pipemenus

Micha maria.huana at gmx.de
Sat Oct 25 19:04:23 EDT 2014

Am 25.10.2014 23:20, schrieb Frank McCormick:
> One and the same. See my reply to "TT" on that forum. When I didn't 
> get any responses here initially, I went to linuxforums to see if 
> anyone there had some suggestions. I have tried about 4 menu utilities 
> for Openbox - one of two which work properly I found at a site in 
> France....the other is the one provided in the Debian repositories.
First, thanks for bringing this up, I wasn't aware of obmenu-generator.
I googled a little around and found out, there are some others too.

But have you considered the mostobvious solution, the "inbuild" Debian
menu ?
It's more kind of a half-automatic solution, but it works nearly perfect for
all applications installed with your package manager.
The only issue there is, it does not find all icons, leaving a space then.

The OB doc "Help:Menus - The Debian menu" explains everything in detail.

The docs are also very helpful to get you starting configuring the rc.xml
and the menu.xml, there is no need for a generator doing it for you.
It is very, very simple, and once you got the trick, you can't stop building
static and dynamic menus on your own, believe me !


> On 10/25/2014 03:46 PM, TT wrote:
>> i just noticed that someone named frank, from canada, using debian sid &
>> openbox, has very similar problems, but with a different menu generator:
>> http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux/203309-openbox-menu-problems-sid.html 
>> i'm starting to feel a little pissed off here...
>> Frank McCormick wrote:
>>> On 10/24/2014 07:19 PM, TT wrote:
>>>> Frank McCormick wrote:
>>>>> I fixed that by copying them over
>>>> oh please don't do that. so much can go wrong. are you sure perl can't
>>>> find them otherwise? that would be a serious problem with your 
>>>> distro's
>>>> packet management.
>>>   They weren't packages from Debian - they were tar balls I un-tared
>>> compiled and installed using the makefile
>>> I assumed at the time they went where they were "supposed to" but
>>> they didn't.
>>> I'd have a heck of a job finding them again and reinstalling. It's
>>> rapidly becoming a problem that is more than it's worth :)
>>>> or maybe you can reinstall those packages, this time to /usr/share?
>>>>> - but now when I insert a pipe menu using obmenu-generator using
>>>>> OBMenu...I get invalid output.
>>>> openbox is very roundabout with this error message - could be 
>>>> anything.
>>>> do this:
>>>> obmenu-generator -i -p> sometextfile
>>> From a terminal?
>>>> then, in menu.xml, change the pipemenu's command to
>>>> cat /full/path/to/sometextfile
>>>> now you can open sometextfile in an editor and try to find & repair 
>>>> the
>>>> error manually. this should give you an idea of what went wrong.
>>>   I ran it from a terminal but it created a test file with only one
>>> line...something about pipe menu sucessfully created
>>>> btw, what distro/system are you running?
>>>   Debian Sid
>>>>> The line I'm using is "obmenu-generator -i -p" which according to the
>>>>> docs should generate a pipe menu.
>>>>> I haven't figured out how to include a static menu in menu.xml yet.
>>>>> The whole system is confusing to me...or maybe I'm getting old :)
>>> ////trimmed for length ////
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