[openbox] 'import' & 'import -frame' - Doing The Samething In Openbox?

Mathias Dufresne mathias.dufresne at gmail.com
Fri May 2 10:00:22 EDT 2014

Hi all,

To be honest, I'll push here the trash answer which could be resume in 4
letters: RTFM.

developping that idea, the right command you want to launch is:
man import

Next I could make copy/paste to give the right answer, avoiding you to read
the manual. But unfortunately I do that, you won't learn anything. Yes if I
took time to read that manual for you I would learn, but I don't need to
learn this manual :D



2014-05-02 9:47 GMT+02:00 Sébastien <ml at terranean.eu>:

> Le 2014-05-01 à 16:56, E R a écrit:
> > Someone helped me in the past create shortcut keys for taking a screen
> > shot, but the first two command are doing exactly the same thing if I
> > run them at the terminal, so I don't understand why I need either the
> > first one 'import' or 'import -frame'
> I just tested on xfce4-terminal with ImageMagick 6.7.7, it worked as
> expected for me: the -frame switch did include the wm frame in the
> screenshot and not using it left it out.
> > Well the thing is, just using 'import' by itself I have the window
> > manager frame also, so I'm lost here and need someone to please
> > explain if I need all three?
> It shouldn't be much a problem as long as it works, unless you want to
> figure it out for the sake of solving the issue. Just in case, you
> might want to use the switch, even if both work for you.
> If however you *don't* want the frame, try to troubleshoot the issue
> by, for example, checking if you're using aliases that would include
> the -frame switch, or use the command as a new user to see if the
> problem persists.
> You need the keybindings depending on *your* needs. Try each of them,
> then keep/remove the ones you need/don't need.
> --
> Sébastien
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