[openbox] 'import' & 'import -frame' - Doing The Samething In Openbox?

Mathias Dufresne mathias.dufresne at gmail.com
Fri May 2 13:22:42 EDT 2014

Back after a nap, this mail should be less aggressive...

To check why your import command is surprising you be importing also the
window frame when you don't ask for it, try the command by yourself, typing
it in some terminal.

Then if your import version is really importing the frame when not asked
for, you should mention the version your are using. The Linux distribution
could help too.
And of course the whole commands you were typing must be fully paste there.
And I must insist on the paste action: do not re-type your command in the
mail. A copy / paste only.

Finally to avoid issue which could be perhaps generated by openbox when you
click on your shortcut in the menu, use a script rather than the whole
command in your rc.xml. I must say I never see any issue of that kind, for
me openbox is working well (for years, on different distributions) but it
could happen anyway, and so must be tested.

Now my own way to make screenshots, an easy way but with only two options
(full screen or one window without frame):
I'm using gkrellm in the slit + gkrellshot plugin.

This plugin add two button to take your screenshot in one click. The
shortest way to proceed ;)



PS: with information about an issue, I love to help. But I hate fighting
against people to extract information about there own issues ^^

2014-05-02 16:00 GMT+02:00 Mathias Dufresne <mathias.dufresne at gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> To be honest, I'll push here the trash answer which could be resume in 4
> letters: RTFM.
> developping that idea, the right command you want to launch is:
> man import
> Next I could make copy/paste to give the right answer, avoiding you to
> read the manual. But unfortunately I do that, you won't learn anything. Yes
> if I took time to read that manual for you I would learn, but I don't need
> to learn this manual :D
> Cheers,
> mathias
> 2014-05-02 9:47 GMT+02:00 Sébastien <ml at terranean.eu>:
> Le 2014-05-01 à 16:56, E R a écrit:
>> > Someone helped me in the past create shortcut keys for taking a screen
>> > shot, but the first two command are doing exactly the same thing if I
>> > run them at the terminal, so I don't understand why I need either the
>> > first one 'import' or 'import -frame'
>> I just tested on xfce4-terminal with ImageMagick 6.7.7, it worked as
>> expected for me: the -frame switch did include the wm frame in the
>> screenshot and not using it left it out.
>> > Well the thing is, just using 'import' by itself I have the window
>> > manager frame also, so I'm lost here and need someone to please
>> > explain if I need all three?
>> It shouldn't be much a problem as long as it works, unless you want to
>> figure it out for the sake of solving the issue. Just in case, you
>> might want to use the switch, even if both work for you.
>> If however you *don't* want the frame, try to troubleshoot the issue
>> by, for example, checking if you're using aliases that would include
>> the -frame switch, or use the command as a new user to see if the
>> problem persists.
>> You need the keybindings depending on *your* needs. Try each of them,
>> then keep/remove the ones you need/don't need.
>> --
>> Sébastien
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