[openbox] programm start & install.sh

oui oui oui at gmx.de
Sun Nov 30 11:10:06 EST 2008


I thank you for your recent help. cairo-clock, instantbird and skype appair now by starting openbox using install.sh in /home/I/.config/openbox/install.sh (I did miss the indication: there was no install.sh and did have to create it but I didn't know that I have to do that and did search a long time if I can find install.sh in /etc and in the different places in /usr ...).

only the background using "feh" don't work really properly at all. one background did appair at the first time and now nothing more, only the noble grey background. ok, it is not important.

i would like to fix the position of  cairo-clock, instantbird and skype on the screen and the size and position of cairo-clock.

the size is good (50 x 50) but the view is wrong (100x100 in 50x50 so you see nothing ;-) !) 

which Wiki can you recommend concerning openbox?

thank you for your help!

kind regards

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger

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