dpkg -i
oui oui
oui at gmx.de
Sun Nov 30 11:20:35 EST 2008
I use openbox in 2 systems:
- Debian SID, actual distribution
- SliTaz from http://SliTaz.org the extremly light weight Linux made based on Debian (20 .. 27 MB depending which version for a full graphic linux with firefox 3. and mplayer at 27 MB)
As all basical distributions need SliTaz own packages because the terrible incidence of the dependences on the need of packages.
But it would be possible to use different original Debian packages without a lot of dependences. In the most circumstances the included openbox dpkg refuses *.deb's.
a/ is there a list of debian packages tested for dpkg version openbox?
b/ can the original dpkg from Debian installed over the usual openbox dpkg? what is to do?
Kind regards.
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