[openbox] Pager (or DesktopUp functionality)

Mikael Magnusson mangosoft at comhem.se
Sun Jun 13 09:24:43 EDT 2004

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004, M.Zdila/EpiSoftware Ltd. wrote:

> Hello
> Thanks for advices. I've tried theese pagers:
> 1. rox-pager
> 2. kpager
> 3. bbpaker
> 4. fbpager
> 5. wmpager
> 1: the only that set the 2D grid layout (3 x 3 in my case of 9 desktops) 
> (layout has stayed after closing rox-pager window)
> 1, 2: working, but I couldn't dock them in the dockapp
> 3, 4: After running it shows small window without any desktop and after about 
> 5 secontd it terminates with following message: "Cannot connect to window 
> manager". I've successfully run them both in the Fluxbox.
> 5: didn't work
> Is there some pager that:
> !  runs in Openbox
> !  supports X x Y grid layout
> !  can be docked or displays no "floating" window at all
> ? is lightweigth
> ? when docked, displays windows layout preview of each desktop
> ? deb package
> ! - must, ? - optional
> Thanks in advance

1. don't top post
2. rox-pager with wmswallow does what you want

Mikael Magnusson

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