[openbox] Pager (or DesktopUp functionality)

M.Zdila/EpiSoftware Ltd. m.zdila at episoftware.com
Sun Jun 13 09:44:55 EDT 2004


> 2. rox-pager with wmswallow does what you want

I've tried wmswallow. Yes, it has docked the rox-pager window, but the 
pager hasn't resized to fit all its contents into that docked window. So 
the result is that I see rox-pager docked, but only its left upper 
corner :-(

Martin Zdila

EpiSoftware Slovakia Ltd.
Juzna Trieda 125, 040 01 Kosice
cellular: +421 907 90 90 97
phone: +421 55 6770 420
fax: +421 55 6780 439
mailto:m.zdila at episoftware.com

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