Stop press! New bgmenu works with GNOME!

Tim Riley tr at
Tue Sep 23 04:24:03 EDT 2003

This is for all you people who use openbox with GNOME.

Now you can use bgmenu with GNOME too!

A new version is available which sets the backgrounds in the same manner
as the GNOME background preferences window, meaning they will remain
persistent across GNOME sessions.  Same great bgmenu features, same
greate bgmenu style, even better interoperability.

To enable the GNOME functionality, simply append the "--gnome" argument
to the bgmenu.rb command in your openbox pipe menu entry.  For example:

<menu id="bg-menu" label="Backgrounds" execute="~/.openbox/bin/bgmenu.rb

Not passing the --gnome argument means that bgmenu falls back to the
standard method of setting the backgrounds with bsetbg.

Get it at

Peace, love, and the GNU Network Object Manipulation Environment,

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