[ANNOUNCE] Beta2 and ObConf-1.0 released

Ben Jansens ben at orodu.net
Tue Sep 9 05:12:06 EDT 2003

Hello all,

I am here to announce 2 releases in one sitting. :)

Openbox-3.0-beta2 has been released, along with ObConf-1.0 (which requires
at least beta2 to build).

Release notes from the website for Openbox-3.0-beta2 follow:

Its time for Beta2 and everyone is invited!

Beta was supposed to mean some sort of finalizing and freezing of the config
file formats. However, it would appear that Beta2 is misbehaving in this
regard. Discussions of the theme format have led to yet more changes (read:
improvements) in the format.

Most of the changes since Beta1 have been bug fixes and usability
improvements. But here's the highlights:

    * The focusDelay config option is now specified in milliseconds, which
	  matches hideTimeout option.
	* Lots of changes to the theme format. The themeupdate.py script
	  included in the tarball will update your themes to the changes.
	* If you are moving a window around and switch desktops (with
	  the keyboard using a "Desktop" action, or with the mouse using
	  any desktop change action), the window will follow along.
	* ObConf was separated out of the Openbox distribution.

The release can be found here:


ObConf did not come with such dramatic release notes, but the "webpage" for
it is at http://openbox.org/obconf.php

The page is not that useful, but it's where you can download the source code.

For convenience, the 1.0 release is at:

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