[openbox] Xft extension... version 1 or 2

Mads Martin Joergensen mmj at panther.mmj.dk
Sat Feb 1 23:31:47 EST 2003

* Ava Arachne Jarvis <ajar at katanalynx.dyndns.org> [Feb 02. 2003 05:20]:
> > freetype2 installed I get version 1 and 2, and I cannot figure out what
> > makes it go with what version. 
> What did configure say when it was checking for Xft2?  Also, the
> relevant bits from config.log?

It works fine -- there is xft support. Problem was I thought it was an
error that xftlsfonts did not get built.

> > Problem is that the xftlsfonts utility does not get installed when
> > it's version 2, and I wonder if that's how it's supposed to be?
> xftlsfonts only works with xft1.  For xft2, use fc-list, which comes
> with fontconfig (and is a lot better anyways).

Yes, that's exactly what the nasty if in Makefile.am revealed (thanks
woodblock). All is good--builds fine even with gcc-3.3.

Mads Martin Joergensen, http://mmj.dk
"Why make things difficult, when it is possible to make them cryptic
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                                -- A. P. J.

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