[openbox] Xft extension... version 1 or 2

Ava Arachne Jarvis ajar at katanalynx.dyndns.org
Sat Feb 1 23:20:50 EST 2003

[Mads Martin Joergensen - Sat,  1 Feb 2003 08:30:27 PM CST]
> What decides what extension Xft uses? On two different systems both with
> freetype2 installed I get version 1 and 2, and I cannot figure out what
> makes it go with what version. 

What did configure say when it was checking for Xft2?  Also, the
relevant bits from config.log?

> Problem is that the xftlsfonts utility does not get installed when
> it's version 2, and I wonder if that's how it's supposed to be?

xftlsfonts only works with xft1.  For xft2, use fc-list, which comes
with fontconfig (and is a lot better anyways).

| Lots of girls can be had for a song.  Unfortunately, it often turns
| out to be the wedding march.

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