Xinerama and centered windows

Kacper Wysocki kacperw at
Thu Dec 18 12:18:16 EST 2003

Hello all,
here's another report on using Xinerama with openbox. All in all, it's  
working rather well, and I'm liking it better than the two-desktop  
setup, now that most windows open in sane places. Haven't gotten  
xinerama to work with dri/gl yet, but that's still OT and not your  

However, some windows still insist on opening in between the two  
screens; the ones I've observed doing this are the bittorrent download  
windows and pppoeconf, among others. Is this just a python tk  
retardedness, or is this fixable in openbox?

Also, child windows should really open on the same screen as the  
parent- opening emails in my mail app (balsa) there's no way of  
predicting what screen the next window will open on. Tricky.

I'd be really grateful if someone could look at these small issues in  
time. All in all, thanks for a great window manager!

	Kacper Wysocki

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