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I spend most of my freetime working on projects. Here are some that
you may or may not know me for that I’ve worked on.
Current Projects
URL: GitHub
Frag-Net (online gaming
Creator, Programmer,
A no-nonsense online multiplayer service. No accounts necessary.
Supports 22 games of which some support online chat features that are
handled via the network. Support for games new and old added when
available. It works in the background, so users are never expected to
interact with it or visit the website.
URL: Official Web site
The Wastes - Commercial
Programmer, Level Design
I am involved in the lead programming of The Wastes. I did whatever I
can to help get it out by the time of the 18th anniversary of the
original mod project. It was a lot of fun, but also really stressful. It
taught me a lot about getting a project made and distributed. Working
with the old team was a blast. I still work on updates and patches in
the background.
URL: Steam
Store page
URL: Vera Visions

FTE QW (free-software
Programmer, General
I create code and write a lot of documentation for FTE QW. This
engine was used in a number of projects of mine and was even used in a
commercial application. I’ve contributed code, ideas and general
usability improvements over the years. Besides my own, there have been
other games that benefited from this greatly.
URL: GitHub
Page |
Past Projects
Qreate (for Quake, 2009 -
Project Lead,
Programmer, Artist, Map Design
A playground for anyone who has fond memories of the videogame Quake.
You can spawn most objects you can find in the game, manipulate it and
create all sorts of contraptions. If you’re a fan of sandbox games and
mods, this might be of interest to you.

URL: Website
URL: ModDatabase
NGUNIX (free-software
engine, 2013-Present)
This is a port of leileilol their Engoo Quake engine to
Linux using GTK2 (or alternatively SDL/Xlib). In the meantime I fixed
bugs and made it my own thing. Although I do not support or update it at
regular intervals.
This is a novelty engine rendering in software mode, aka on your CPU.
It's purely a novelty, so don't take it seriously.

URL: SourceForge
Titanic Mod (for Mafia, 2013)
Making mainly weapon and prop models in early 2013. Due to job
scheduling I sadly had to stop contributing.
ModDatabase page
Overturn (mod for Half-Life,
Gamecode Programmer
& 3D-Artist, Textures
I was active in 2011. Due to an illness of the project leader, we
halted the project and released all code and assets to the
URL: ModDatabase
(freeware game, 2011-2015)
Programmer & 3D-Artist, Map Design, Textures
Started as a small project fixing up a prototype of the game
Daikatana. I took over more and more roles as the project went along and
quit after 4 years as the scope kept getting bigger. Originally
contributing recreations of 3D models. That was when it was still called
URL: indiedb
Go-Mod (for Half-Life,
Project Lead,
Programmer, Artist, Map Design
I led the original project with Fitamod up until version 3. This was
from 2008-2010. The current pages on the internet are not associated
with my past work I’m afraid.
(for Quake, 2011) Project Lead, Programmer & 3D-Artist
Server project for NetQuake. Originally released on the
OldTimes-Software Forums which are now offline.
URL: SourceForge