[ut2004] I think redirecting to a 302 Moved is broken in the 3323 patch.

Joshua Hoppes xipher at xipher.us
Wed Oct 6 21:37:48 EDT 2004

I am guessing UT2004 only has support for basic HTTP protocol stuff 
would be my guess. But thats only a guess.

Clint Goudie-Nice wrote:

>When I'm running my Linux ut2004 server, if I point the redirect at a
>web server that issues a 302 moved, the client doesn't download from the
>new location, instead it comes back to the ut server to pull the file.
>Here's an example..
>Add a server package that's out on the redirect
>Set this so the ut server cant send downloads itself...
>setup redirect to point at unrealadmins redirection service.
>(I've also tried it with the Proxy lines commented out)
>Make sure you don't have a local copy of ServerExtClient103, connect to
>the server, and you'll get a server refused to send file message,
>however upon closer inspection by capturing the packets at the client in
>ethereal you see this..
>GET /ServerExtClient103.u.uz2 HTTP/1.1
>Host: uz.unrealadmin.org
>User-Agent: Unreal
>Connection: close
>HTTP/1.1 302 Found
>Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 00:48:24 GMT
>Server: Apache/2.0.50 (FreeBSD) PHP/4.3.8
>X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.8
>Content-Length: 0
>Connection: close
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
>Which is a valid 302 moved, and the url resolves fine, however, the
>ut2004 client never makes the request to the server indicated in the 302
>moved, and the above traffic is the only port 80 traffic in the capture.
>(If you set AllowDownloads=True, it still wont follow the 302 moved)
>I discovered this while working on my server to try and get it to use a
>local redirect if it cant find a remote redirect with a valid file
>through some 302 moved magic, and I've tried having the server issue
>"HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily", "HTTP/1.1 302 Found", and "HTTP/1.1
>301 Moved Permanently" all of which should work, but the client only
>pulls the first page and then goes back to the server.
>If you point RedirectToURL directly at the redirect that has the file it
>works flawlessly.
>Do I just have something amiss in my configuration here or is something
>in UT broken? Is there some way I can format the 302 header differently
>to get UT to pick it up? Is this something specific to the Linux server?
>(I've tried it on 32 and 64 bit arch...)
>This really hurts for me, as I don't want to spend the bandwidth for
>everyone who connects to pull everything from me when there's servers
>with more bandwidth and the files for this kind of thing out there

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