[ut2004] ESD running during game?

nurgle at gmx.de nurgle at gmx.de
Fri May 7 01:57:31 EDT 2004

On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 09:27:56PM -0400, Rick B wrote:
>    Yeah, that the WM I'm using. I'm wondering if I need esd for 
> anything since I use ALSA? If not I'd like to remove it. Is there anyway 
> to make it not start during the game? It's just one more thing I don't 
> need running.

In the Gnome Audio Setting Control Panel there should be a checkbox "run
esd on startup" (Don't know the exact name, since I am running a
localized version). Just uncheck it.

> By the way, how do you start ut2004 without a window 
> manager? I've read about that before but don't know how.

Which distro are you using? Do you have a graphical login or a text
console login? If you have a graphical login like most distros use by
default today, there should be a "Sessions" menue. Try choosing
something like "Failsafe" and you will only get a single xterm and no
WM. You can also choose WindowMaker XFCE or FVWM if you find one of
those. They are very lightweight and almost as good as running without a
Window Manager. Just don't choose KDE. It takes up more resources than

Btw.: Gnome if a lot more than a Window Manger. It's a complete desktop
environment with a Filemanager, a starter bar, drag & drop, etc., etc.
That's why it takes up so much more resources compared to the old-school
Window Managers. I find it convenient to use though when not playing
UT2004. ;-)

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