[ut2004] DVD special edition

Gian Paolo Mureddu Thetargos at tutopia.com
Fri Mar 12 14:09:41 EST 2004

Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

>>sometimes things APPEAR to go back to normal but I 
>>cannot fire my gun nor interact with the environment (and everyone keeps 
>>running in the same direction... walls be damned)... it seems in these cases 
>>that I simply loose my connection to the server altogether but I receive no 
>>error message.
>You can move around the map when the server has stopped sending you
>packets, due to client-side prediction, but the server has to approve
>you firing your gun, which is why you'll see the gun fire on your side
>but no rocket launch, etc. If the server were to start responding again,
>you'd warp back to your old position regardless of where you moved in
>the meantime.
>UDP sockets don't have a concept of "dropping connections"...there's
>just the absence of new packets for X amount of time, and Unreal is
>fairly liberal about waiting around for new data to arrive. If no data
>shows up for long enough, eventually you'll get booted from the game
>with an error message on your screen.
>Likely the problem is upstream of you. I'd talk to your ISP if you keep
>having trouble.
Basically this is the contrary of TCP where TCP asks for confirmation up 
on delivery of the packtes, right? While UDP don't request such 


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