[ut2004] DVD special edition

Ryan C. Gordon icculus at clutteredmind.org
Thu Mar 11 17:24:49 EST 2004

> I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but Epic has anounced 
> that its new publisher (for upcoming projects) will be Microsoft, I 
> don't know when did they anounce that, I just read the news in some 
> gaming site.
> Could you confirm on this Ryan?

Microsoft has nothing to do with UT2004, and even if they did, I would
seriously doubt that they've even heard of TuxGames.

And contrary to popular belief, they don't make deals like this,
especially for something as trivial as whether reseller X is catering to
the Linux crowd; documentation to that effect would have reprocussions
for them far outweighing the non-benefits of stopping TuxGames from
moving a few units.


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