[ut2004] DVD special edition

Gian Paolo Mureddu Thetargos at tutopia.com
Thu Mar 11 03:18:31 EST 2004

Ken Cantwell wrote:

> Is there a "dedicated linux-games-retailer" other than
> Tux Games (http://www.tuxgames.com/)?
> And why isn't Tux Games promoting ut2004 at all?
> If it didn't show up on their "Current Top Sellers"
> list (at #1) you wouldn't know they had it at all.
> Is there something political going on?  They generally
> hype even the most obscure linux games upon release.
> I purchased from them even though it's costing me
> US$5 extra because it's the Right Thing To Do.
> (The difference being that some vendors offer free
> shipping.)  But you've got to wonder what's up.
> ===================================
> nom de guerre: HunkaHunkaBurninLove
I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but Epic has anounced 
that its new publisher (for upcoming projects) will be Microsoft, I 
don't know when did they anounce that, I just read the news in some 
gaming site.

Could you confirm on this Ryan?

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