[referencer] referencer using acroread when started in terminal

Mads Chr. Olesen mads at mchro.dk
Tue May 28 05:05:32 EDT 2013

man, 27 05 2013 kl. 23:27 +0200, skrev Dominik Kriegner:
> I have a question about the behavior of referencer. Today when testing
> the new 1.2.1 release (thank for the new release and your continued
> effort to work on referencer!) I found that referencer is using
> acroread when I start it from the terminal.
> When started from gnome applications or via alt+F2 it uses my default
> pdf-viewer evince for viewing the documents linked to my library.
> any idea why the behavior is different when started from
> gnome-terminal?

There is an old bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/referencer/+bug/401837
in the same area, which was fixed in

Basically, Referencer uses GNOME's GIO to open the document in the
default viewer, since version 1.2.0. You should get approximately the
same behavior using "gvfs-open docname.pdf" in the terminal. What
happens if you use Nautilus to open the file?

However, I also recall that the acroread package adds some
bash-completion stuff which might also influence the results.

Mads Chr. Olesen <mads at mchro.dk>

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