[referencer] referencer using acroread when started in terminal

Dominik Kriegner dominik.kriegner+referencer at gmail.com
Tue May 28 15:26:44 EDT 2013

In fact on my system in
.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list acroread was entered under
[Added Associations]
I have now idea how it came there, this triggered the use of acroread
when executing
"gvfs-open docname.pdf" in terminals
Alt+F2: "gvfs-open docname.pdf"
was using evince as it happened when i open files via nautilus

thanks for the hints to solve this, this was obviously not related to referencer
sorry for the noise

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Mads Chr. Olesen <mads at mchro.dk> wrote:
> man, 27 05 2013 kl. 23:27 +0200, skrev Dominik Kriegner:
>> I have a question about the behavior of referencer. Today when testing
>> the new 1.2.1 release (thank for the new release and your continued
>> effort to work on referencer!) I found that referencer is using
>> acroread when I start it from the terminal.
>> When started from gnome applications or via alt+F2 it uses my default
>> pdf-viewer evince for viewing the documents linked to my library.
>> any idea why the behavior is different when started from
>> gnome-terminal?
> There is an old bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/referencer/+bug/401837
> in the same area, which was fixed in
> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~referencer-devs/referencer/trunk/revision/857
> Basically, Referencer uses GNOME's GIO to open the document in the
> default viewer, since version 1.2.0. You should get approximately the
> same behavior using "gvfs-open docname.pdf" in the terminal. What
> happens if you use Nautilus to open the file?
> However, I also recall that the acroread package adds some
> bash-completion stuff which might also influence the results.
> --
> Mads Chr. Olesen <mads at mchro.dk>
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