ISI plugin and "export selected"

Yoav Avitzour yoav at
Mon Aug 18 17:54:34 EDT 2008


First let me say that I only found out about Referencer very recently 
and I love it. It is exactly what I have been looking for for a long 
time, and I'm very happy that I found it.

I was very interested by Mario's ISI plugin, as many of my references 
suffered from the "first author" crossref problem, and I also think it's 
nice to have the abstract as plain text, which you can get from ISI. I 
started playing around with it and fixed the problem that prevented the 
plugin from working with the newer Referencer plugin framework. I then 
realized that often when the plugin fails to retrieve data it is because 
there are multiple results to the query submitted to ISI. I implemented 
a small dialog that lets the user choose between the entries that were 
found and then adds the metadata from the selected entry. The revised 
plugin is attached below. This is a first working version, and though it 
seems to work on specific examples, I'm sure it has problems, so please 
let me know and I'll do my best fix them.

And now for something completely different - I would find it very useful 
to have an option to "export selected documents" as a separate bib file 
(it is convenient, especially when collaborating with other people, to 
have a bib file with only the entries relevant to a specific paper 
rather than all 500 documents I have in my archive). It seems that it 
could be achieved very easily with a plugin, but I'm not really sure 
what is the interface to export documents into a bibtex file.

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