great idea but...

Sascha Heid saschaheid at
Sat Nov 10 08:47:20 EST 2007

Hi there,

in the last few days i played around with referencer and paperbox and
i really like the idea of tagging my documents now.
I have a large collection and tagging them is a´lot nicer then filing
them into different folders.

So thx a´lot for referencer.

There is one thing though which i don´t like about referencer and
that´s those "keys". I guess they have some purpose for other´s but
for me they just are in the way.
When i add my book-collection into referencer it does not show me the
filename in the icon-view, instead its shows me the keys, and
basically i would have to edit all of them manually because most of
the time i cannot even figure out at which document i am looking at
until i switch to the detailed view.

So seeing the filename instead of the key-name would be great for me.

There is another small issue which is probably because i have to use
the svn code (because of the poppler-thing).
Saving the library-file usually does not work.
I can select save or save-as and overwrite the existing file and it
even asks me if i want to save it when i close referencer but in the
end it usually does not really save it and i have to do all the
changes and add the books again (3000 files and that takes a while).

Again, thx for referencer, i hope the development continues :-)


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