[quake3] Re: non-cheatable game

Daniel Lord daniellord at mac.com
Wed May 16 23:45:17 EDT 2007

Go ahead and gallop on you, Don Quixotes! Keep on tilting at the  
windmills of on-line multi-player game cheating! Bravo!

You put your faith in a purely technical solution and that will not  
be enough.
You will never win because you cannot control some essential elements  
of the game which you need control over in order to secure it.
You are fighting human nature, a nature that has changed little in  
over 2,000 years of recorded history, and has shown its need to cheat.
Not everyone or even most, but enough vex most players of online  
gaming at one time or another.

The best defense is the same defense societies have learned--deter  
violations so that only determined violators pierce the protection,  
and then punish the few violators and shun them.
Trying to prevent their crimes is useful but never fully effective.  
You have to be prepared to identify and banish those who are  
determined to get through

Otherwise, you provide a false sense of security and one that will  
leave you undefended.

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