[quake3] Re: Questions about compile options (ioq3 on Solaris).

Zachary J. SLater zakk at timedoctor.org
Fri Oct 28 17:25:34 EDT 2005

Quoting Tim Angus <tim at ngus.net>:

> Using a different build system on *nix doesn't really fix the problem. I
> don't think zakk would agree to this anyway.

This is correct, Make is it for now. Please see Ryan's e-mail about
 this earlier as to why. Yes I'm sorry that make isn't the best build system
for some things, no I'm not sorry that I'm sticking to it. With other projects
I've been swayed to the autotools side and then had the autotools people bail
on me. Not that you'll do that ludwig, but that is just one more reason I have
for not doing it here, at least not right now.
-Zachary J. Slater
zakk at timedoctor.org
zacharyslater at gmail.com

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