[q2x] Lua

Nick Trout nick at rockstarvancouver.com
Wed May 14 17:48:57 EDT 2003

> >I got the latest code from CVS, mirrored your MSVC project workspace 
> >structure, and built q2x. The software version runs just fine.
> I'm not sure how up to date the q2x code base is.

What's out of date: The SDL stuff? Are there any plans to update this

> >couldn't get the GL version to compile because of a missing 
> >"GL/glext.h" file. I can't seem to find this file anywhere.
> you'll have to hunt for it somewhere on sgi.com  If you can't find it 
> there, let me know and I'll try to dig it up.

I had a quick look and it also doesn't turn up on the search. Since its
only one file could you post it to me or the list please. 

> Dan Olson, who should also be getting these messages (Dan, you 
> alive?), also wanted to dork with the Lua implementation, but until 
> the SDL stuff is done (*cough*) I'm really hesitant to push ahead on 
> anything at this point.
> Getting the "single SDL source" version up and running is our base 
> camp we're trying to achieve.
> www.q2x.org in case you haven't seen it

It redirects to the icculus page, so I have seen it, thanks.

> My general plan has been to maintain the C game capability in 
> parallel with the Lua functionality.  They'll adhere to the same API 
> that's in place now, the difference is when you load up the Lua 
> version, it starts up the Lua VM and loads up the game in .lua files.
> Doing this incrementally will take a lot of forethought, 

Agreed. Wouldn't it be simpler to go all Lua?

> My general idea was that the base version would:
> 1.  have the rest of the dir tree cleaned up
> 2.  have the rest of the code cleaned up, including SDL-ified
> Once we were happy with the general structure, THEN we'd shove in Lua 
> functionality a bit at a time, bottom up on the game side.

So I'll either have to be patient or maybe I should just fork the quake2
project rather than q2x.

> >Are there any details on the "luagame" module mentioned on the q2x 
> >description page? Where were you thinking of drawing the binding
> The binding line would be below that of the actual game API as 
defined by Q2.  This way a q2x server itself would not need Lua in 
any form, which I think would be a nice break line.

No Lua code in the src/server? It would be nice to have a unified
cvar/cmd system, rather than a layered system, i.e. Lua sat on cmd.
Seems a bit inefficient, maybe confusing, writing a binding to call cmds
or having 2 binding systems?

> As for a Wiki, I'm not sure we're quite there yet. =)

Are you sure? You could have left all your forethoughts as a reminder to
you and a guide for others! :-)


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