[q2x] Lua

Brian Hook hook_l at pyrogon.com
Wed May 14 17:25:15 EDT 2003

>I got the latest code from CVS, mirrored your MSVC project workspace
>structure, and built q2x. The software version runs just fine.

I'm not sure how up to date the q2x code base is.

>couldn't get the GL version to compile because of a missing
>"GL/glext.h" file. I can't seem to find this file anywhere.

you'll have to hunt for it somewhere on sgi.com  If you can't find it 
there, let me know and I'll try to dig it up.

Dan Olson, who should also be getting these messages (Dan, you 
alive?), also wanted to dork with the Lua implementation, but until 
the SDL stuff is done (*cough*) I'm really hesitant to push ahead on 
anything at this point.

Getting the "single SDL source" version up and running is our base 
camp we're trying to achieve.

www.q2x.org in case you haven't seen it

My general plan has been to maintain the C game capability in 
parallel with the Lua functionality.  They'll adhere to the same API 
that's in place now, the difference is when you load up the Lua 
version, it starts up the Lua VM and loads up the game in .lua files.

Doing this incrementally will take a lot of forethought, which I had 
done at some point but since been distracted away from =)

My general idea was that the base version would:

1.  have the rest of the dir tree cleaned up
2.  have the rest of the code cleaned up, including SDL-ified

Once we were happy with the general structure, THEN we'd shove in Lua 
functionality a bit at a time, bottom up on the game side.

>Are there any details on the "luagame" module mentioned on the q2x
>description page? Where were you thinking of drawing the binding

The binding line would be below that of the actual game API as 
defined by Q2.  This way a q2x server itself would not need Lua in 
any form, which I think would be a nice break line.

As for a Wiki, I'm not sure we're quite there yet. =)


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