[q2x] Plan of attack

Nick Trout nick at rockstarvancouver.com
Wed Dec 10 15:23:20 EST 2003

> > Ok. I'll send you periodic src zips and you can merge them :)
> Ummm...let's hold off on that.  Once you get something up and running
> and stable, we can talk =)

Aha, the experienced open source project manager at work!

> > .q2x :)  When it looks for available .pak files.
> Oh, right...Q2X is a .ZIP file intended to get rid of PAK files
> eventually.


> > Won't all this be in qcommon so there'll only be one but it'll be
> > instanced twice? -- more reading to do!
> Yes, that seems reasonable, but Lua may be used for different things
> and I'm not sure how comingling there should be.

I was thinking cvars would be in a separate state to the game objects.
Cvars are q2x config and not related to gameplay (?) Of course they
could all go in the same state and we can namespace them.

> On the server, it will implement the game and cvars.
> On the client, it will implement client presentation and cvars.

What do you mean by presentation?

> For "common" stuff, it will implement cvars.


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