[lgfaq] Random behaviour

zakk zakk at timedoctor.org
Wed Nov 13 18:43:11 EST 2002

On Wed, 2002-11-13 at 18:09, Chunky Kibbles wrote:

> After much arguing.

I still haven't heard a good reason why the Linux Gamers' FAQ should
cover BSD. I do see the BSD people as needing a similar document but
nobody provided any good way to handle it until I thought up a way to
deal with BSD.

> Two things:
> 1) I posted stuff. It was either removed or edited. At no point did I
> ever edit or remove anything myself.
> 2) Timedoctor is, in fact, a completely different "thing" to the
> lgfaq, and arguments relating to one should not be moved to, or have
> any effect on, the other.

You and treke say that he was the only one who fucked with td.o. I don't
take such things lightly.

> At what point did I become untrustworthy? Would it be at the point my
> posts were edited to say something completely contrary to what I
> meant, or would it be at the point where someone took me off the list
> of contributors to a project?

You are off the list of the contributors because that is the list for
active contributors, and people who can't be credited in the CVS, which
is the only place credit is recorded. You are untrustworthy since you
and treke decided to fuck with td.o

Fucking with projects I maintain lowers your credibility. I don't want
people who aren't credible being rewarded with the ability to dick with
other projects.
zakk at timedoctor.org

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