[jugglemaster] New README

Barton Chittenden tiger at iglou.com
Wed Jun 23 10:26:46 EDT 2004


I reformatted the readme for 80 columns; I still read my email under
pine on an 80 column terminal. :-)

I would like to see something in the initial paragraph of the readme about 
juggling styles; to my way of seeing things, the ability to easily create new 
patterns is what makes Jugglemaster one of a kind.

Perhaps the first sentence should read "JuggleMaster is a computer juggling
simulator" or simply "Jugglemaster is a juggling animator".




JuggleMaster is a juggling siteswap animator. It can animate any valid
siteswap, and has a large library of patterns included.

If you want to learn siteswap, check out http://www.siteswap.org/

JuggleMaster was originally written in C by Ken Matsuoka for DOS. It was
later ported to C++ as a platform independent library (called jmlib) by Per 
Johan Groland, who also ported it to Palm OS and Pocket PC. It was later 
ported to wxWidgets by Gary ??? (which allows it to run on a variety of 
platforms including Linux, Windows and MacOS).

The platforms currently available:

JMDlx        wxWidgets   http://icculus.org/jugglemaster/
JMPocket     Pocket PC   http://jugglemaster.net
JMPalm       Palm OS     http://jugglemaster.net
                          (no open-source version available)
AAJM         aalib       http://icculus.org/jugglemaster/

The weblinks above will direct you to the proper sites to download
binaries for the various platforms. For the source code, go to

In the "docs" dir, you'll find Ken Matsuoka's original README, and Isaac
Orr's readme from the Java version [which has a better description of
how to edit the pattern files].


Build instructions and requirements vary between the different platforms.


To build, just go into the src/jmdlx dir and type "make". It creates a
binary "jmdlx". Run it. You need wxWidgets, available from

To build it on Windows using Visual Studio, you need to set up the
project file yourself. The wxWidgets home page includes instructions.
If you don't have Visual Studio, either work it out yourself, or extract
bloodshed.zip and use the excellent DevC++ from www.bloodshed.net

To build on OSX, go into src/jmdlx and type "make osx". It'll create
JuggleMaster.app right there.

If you don't have patterns.jm and semaphore.jm in the current dir when
you run it, it attempts to download them and save them to a suitable
dir. You'll find copies in the "data" dir, so you can just copy them
across if you want.


To build JMPocket you need Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools 3.0 2002 Edition,
available free of charge from Microsofts web page. JMPocket doesn't run
properly in the Pocket PC 2002 emulator, so you will also need to download 
the Pocket PC 2000 SDK. The downloads can all be found at 

A properly configured project file is included in src/jmpocket/JMPocket.vcw

JMPocket expects to find the pattern libary in My Documents, and it must be
named either patt_e.jm or patterns.jm.


<add build instructions here>

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