[freespace2] G400 text problem... someone test this

Taylor Richards mtrs at bellsouth.net
Fri May 9 23:04:23 EDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 05:23, Bradley Bell wrote:
> > There are two different shades, one used on the mainhall and one used in
> > the help (F1).  The same fix seems to work for the second shade type as
> > well and I think that's what's used for the collision text, missile
> > warnings, etc.  Unless someone comes up with a better option I guess
> > that's the fix.  If you notice any performance drops I'd like to know
> > about them.
> it'd be hard to tell, since it was pretty much unplayable before.

Really?  You got a crappy system or something? ;-)  Admittedly I don't
think I've every sat down and playing the game with a G400.  I'll try
and find time to do so this weekend.

> > 
> > EDIT: Got your other message just before pressing send :-) 
> > gr_opengl_rect is the other one.  Just clearing the zbuffer with glClear
> > doesn't do the job and I can't remember if gr_opengl_set_state is enough
> > either.
> I played for a little while, and it still does it at odd times, such as when
> there is a jump node onscreen.

Yeah it seems to mess up again after the zbuffer has been fiddled with. 
I'll keep looking for a better fix that doesn't require a driver update
but this is going to have to do for now.  I think that it may be
possible to fix it in set_zbuffer but I still don't know exactly why
it's being fixed with clear_zbuffer.


Taylor Richards <mtrs at bellsouth.net>

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