No subject

Wed Mar 11 16:46:39 EDT 2009

I am sick and tired of waiting.
COD is the best game to come along for a while (at least in my opinion)
but with all the cheating, I am beginning to hate to play it.
I can't even trust my own clan members.
A game is supposed to be fun.  COD no longer is.
Since I have to wait for punkbuster for an undisclosed amount of time even
after the 1.3 patch, if I cannot find a way to curb cheating while I wait,
I may just quit the game and find something else to do in my free time.

Brett Stinson
TazAnimal at <mailto:TazAnimal at>

> Curtis Brown
> I know that Punkbuster has such a functionality in Soldier of Fortune 2, I
> am sure it will also be there for COD.
>  Punkbuster will save each user's Cvars to the log file if Cvar Dumping is
> enabled. I wouldn't try to put somthing like
> that into a mod.  Best to wait for Punkbuster, it will solve most cheating
> issues.

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