[cod] udpb-cod admin bot. Some advice?

Maverick me83143 at earthlink.net
Tue May 11 14:21:07 EDT 2004

Looks like a permissions problem.  The bot can't write to the log you 
pointed it to (bot_logfile=/opt/cod/udpb-cod.log ) for it's own log.  
Either you don't have write permission in /opt or /opt/cod or there's 
already a udpb-cod.log and you don't have write permission on it, or 
it's in use by someone else.


Vye Wilson wrote:

> I have been working on getting the udpb-cod admin bot working and I'm 
> having a bit of trouble. I got to the part where I test my 
> configuration and I got this:
> [code]
> root at Naruto udpb-cod # ./testpackage.py -v
> (run with -v for more verbose output)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Parse config and verify that the bot can write to the specified 
> logfile ... FAIL
> Config file 'udpb-cod.cfg' exists and is readable ... ok
> Parse config and verify that game's logfile is readable ... ok
> Parse config for rcon information and attempt to connect to CoD server 
> ... ok
> ======================================================================
> FAIL: Parse config and verify that the bot can write to the specified 
> logfile
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "./testpackage.py", line 44, in test_botlogfile
>    self.assert_(os.access(botlogfile, os.W_OK), "'%s' exists, but can 
> not be writen to by the current user. Please make sure the bot has 
> permission to write to this file." % botlogfile)
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/unittest.py", line 278, in failUnless
>    if not expr: raise self.failureException, msg
> AssertionError: '/opt/cod/udpb-cod.log' exists, but can not be writen 
> to by the current user. Please make sure the bot has permission to 
> write to this file.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ran 4 tests in 0.009s
> FAILED (failures=1)
> [/code]
> I don't really understand why this is happening since I'm running 
> everything as root (is that wise?)
> Here is my configuration file so you can give me some advice on why 
> this is happening that would be nice:
> [game_server]
> ; ip -- the address that the call of duty server is listening on
> ; port -- the port that the call of duty server is listening on
> ; rcon_password -- the rcon password to perform remote operations on 
> the CoD server
> ; main_dir -- absolute path to the main folder of call of duty (the 
> folder is actually called "main")
> ;ip=
> ip=
> port=28960
> rcon_password=*********
> main_dir=/root/.callofduty/main
> [log_files]
> ; **NOTE** These paths should be absolute (start with a / on linux)
> ; game_logfile -- location of CoD's log (usually in the user who runs 
> the server's home dir)
> ; bot_logfile -- where you want the bot to keep its own logfile
> ; log_level -- this can be 10,20,30,40, or 50. 10 will log the most,
> ;               50 will only log critical errors. Do not set lower 
> than 20
> ;               unless you need to debug
> game_logfile=/root/.callofduty/main/games_mp.log
> bot_logfile=/opt/cod/udpb-cod.log
> log_level=20
> [files]
> ; **NOTE** These paths can be absolute or relative to the bot's directory
> ; banfile -- file to store ban information in (in udpb's directory)
> ; regfile -- file to store server regulars (for auto-kick protection)
> ; adminfile -- file to store admin information in (in udpb's directory)
> ; eightballfile -- file to store eightball responses
> ; current_players_file -- this is an XML file listing all current 
> players (enable_xml_summary must be set to 1 to turn this on)
> banfile=bans.cfg
> regfile=regulars.cfg
> adminfile=admins.cfg
> eightballfile=eight_ball.cfg
> current_players_file=/web/udpviper.com/current_players.xml
> [email]
> ; the email notification system will email admins if the bot crashes 
> for any reason. The bot does try to autostart, so you should
> ; only take notice of these emails if you start to get several of them.
> ; enable -- 0 turns email notification off, 1 turns it on
> ; from_address -- this is the address that email from the bot will be 
> sent from (it doesn't need to be a configured address)
> ; to_addresses -- this is a space separated list of email addresses to 
> send notifications to. You can have 1 address or several.
> ; smtp_server -- this is the SMTP server's hostname to send email thru
> ; smtp_port -- port of the above SMTP server
> enable = 1
> from_address = clanau at cox.net
> to_addresses = gentoolover at penguinmail.com
> smtp_server = smtp.west.cox.net
> smtp_port = 25
> [levels]
> level0 = Drone
> level1 = Reglevel2 = Guard
> level3 = Admin
> level4 = Uber Admin
> level5 = Lord Protector
> [options]
> ; eight_ball_admin_level -- if a user is at or above this level they 
> will get the special admin 8ball responses
> ; team_damage_limit -- after this much damage is done to a teammate, 
> the player is kicked
> ; ping_limit -- kick players who ping higher than this limit (set to 0 
> to disable)
> ; * WARNING * Setting this value below 600 is not advised.
> ; zero_tolerance_time -- the ammount of time after a round starts that 
> kicks people for *any* team damage
> ; protected_level -- the level of admin, where they can't be autokicked
> ; kick_unnamed -- kick all players called "Unknown Soldier". Set to 0 
> to disable.
> ; autokick_bantime -- number of minutes people who are autokicked will 
> be tempbanned for (set to 0 to disable)
> ; vigilatnte_delay -- number of seconds after a TK, that an admin can 
> TK-Kick a player.
> ; team_damage_expire_time -- number of minutes until team damage 
> points expire
> ; enable_xml_summary -- 0 is off, 1 is on. When enabled this will 
> write the current player data to an XML file periodically
> ; use_udpbstats --DEPRICATED--his setting is no longer used...
> eight_ball_admin_level=3
> team_damage_limit=200
> ping_limit=600
> zero_tolerance_time=0
> protected_level = 2
> kick_unnamed = 0
> autokick_bantime = 2
> vigilante_delay = 45
> team_damage_expire_time = 10
> enable_xml_summary=1
> use_udpbstats=1
> [announcements]
> ; announce_delay -- the time in seconds to wait between displaying 
> announcements. (set to 0 to disable)
> ; message1-n -- you may have any number of messages in this section, 
> they will be cycled thru in order from top to bottom, regardless of 
> numbering
> announce_delay=120
> message1=This server is running ^3UDPB-COD^7 Admin Bot
> message2=Please visit AssassinsUnited.uphoria.net to assist us in 
> raising funds for the co-location
> message3=Our Site is currently being reconstructed Please E-Mail at 
> clanau at cox.net for information on joining
> ;message4=^1PROTIP: ^7type ^1!help^7 in global chat to see available 
> commands
> ;message5=^1PROTIP: ^7Have you forgiven your teammates lately?
> ular

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