No subject

Wed Mar 11 18:56:50 EDT 2009

1. +configPath was much better than the current solution
2. Admin config is clumsy for multi servers. I've attached
a slightly better version that bases reads values from the file
named adminsettings.con in the same directory as the mapList
So if u use: +mapList "/usr/local/games/bf2_demo/server1/maplist.con"
it will load "/usr/local/games/bf2_demo/server1/adminsettings.con"
the format of the file is:
admin.port <port>
admin.password "<password>"
Its far from perfect but without docs on the python interface
it's the best I could come up with I'm afraid.
N.B. to use it set the following in ur serversettings.con:
sv.adminScript "multiplay_admin"

3. +pbPath sets the path but fails to copy the required pb
files from the base pb dir to the target.
4. Player querying is broken the max of one packet is sent
in response to a query and hence the player list is truncated.
5. has bugs due to missing files.
6. 32bit linux bin is invalid ( we all know this though )
7. linux pb files are missing from the installer
8. case of windows and linux files varies making it hard
to create a combined install.
9. cpu load on load and map change is excessive, 90+% for
an extended period of time, 20+ seconds. This basically limits
people to running 1 server per CPU without significantly
impacting on the other servers.
10. Map size doesn't seem to limit players.
11. I cant find the logging options anywhere.
12. Win32 Server Launcher server name is limited to 32
chars ( server doesn't have this limitation ).
13. Map format doesn't allow mod changes :(
14. Requires 3.2.2 gcc, would have been good to either
ship a static binary like bf1942 or keep the requirements
to 3.2.

Is the "timeLimit" in seconds or minutes, I think its in seconds
but the gui gives the impressions its in minutes

Its not all bad though, far from it looks like there has been
some bang up work done by the Dice boys on this puppy.
Nice things:
1. Running CPU Load doesn't seem too bad 64 player server
at 80% here on a 2.8 P4 ( win32 )
2. No more process switch on map load.
3. Nice cmd line help.
4. Python interface, already had a play looking forward to
some docs on it :)

So there's some things that need fixing but its all on the right
track :)

    Steve / K

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# vim: ts=4 noexpandtab
# Battlefield II -- default remote console module.
# This is a very simple, TCP based remote console which does simple MD5 digest
# password authentication. It can be configured via the admin/default.cfg file.
# Recognized options are 'port' and 'password'.
# Implementation guidelines for this file (and for your own rcon modules):
#  - All socket operations MUST be non-blocking. If your module blocks on a
#    socket the game server will hang.
#  - Do as little work as possible in update() as it runs in the server main
#    loop.
# Other notes:
#  - To get end-of-message markers (0x04 hex) after each reply, begin your
#    commands with an ascii 0x02 code. This module will then append the
#    end-of-message marker to all results. This is useful if you need to wait
#    for a complete response.
# Copyright (c)2004 Digital Illusions CE AB
# Author: Andreas `dep' Fredriksson
# Modified to be more multi server friendly by:
# Steven ( Killing ) Hartland
# killing at

import socket
import errno
import host
import bf2
import types
import md5
import string
import random
import sys

a_debug = 0

class writer:
	def __init__(self, filename ): = open( filename, 'a+')

	def write(self, str):
if a_debug: sys.stdout = sys.stderr = writer( 'admin_debug.log' ) 

options = {
	'admin.port': '4711',
	'admin.password': None,

	# True if multiple commands should be processed in one update and
	# if as many responses as possible should be sent each update.
	'admin.allowBatching': False

# Returns a seed string of random characters to be used as a salt to protect
# password sniffing.
def make_seed(seed_length):
	return ''.join([string.ascii_letters[random.randint(0, len(string.ascii_letters)-1)] for x in xrange(0, seed_length)])

# Concats a seed string with the password and returns an ASCII-hex MD5 digest.
def digest(seed, pw):
	if not pw: return None
	m =
	return m.hexdigest()

# Parses the config file, if it's there
def parseConfig( fn ):
	def boolFromString (str):
		if str in ['True', 'true', '1']:
			return True
		elif value in ['False', 'false', '0']:
			return False
			raise ValueError

	print "Admin: loading '%s' " % ( adminSettingsFile )

		config = open(fn, 'r')
		lineNo = 0
		for line in config:
			lineNo += 1
			if line.strip() != '' and line.strip() != '\n':
					( key, value ) = line.split( ' ', 1 )
					#print "vals %d" % ( len( valueList ) )
					#value = ''.join( valueList )
					# remove white space
					value = value.strip()
					# remove outer quotes
					value = value.strip( '"' )
					print "Admin: setting '%s' = '%s'" % ( key, value )					
					if value == 'allowBatching': value = boolFromString (value)
					options[key] = value
				except ValueError:
					print 'warning: syntax error in "%s" on line %d' % (fn, lineNo)
	except IOError, detail:
		print 'warning: couldn\'t read "%s": %s' % (fn, detail)

# A stateful output buffer that knows how to enqueue data and ship it out
# without blocking.
class OutputBuffer(object):

	def __init__(self, sock):
		self.sock = sock = []
		self.index = 0

	def enqueue(self, str):

	def update(self):
		allowBatching = options['admin.allowBatching']
		while len( > 0:
				item =[0]
				scount = self.sock.send(item[self.index:])
				self.index += scount
				if self.index == len(item):
					self.index = 0
			except socket.error, detail:
				if detail[0] != errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
					return detail[1]
			if not allowBatching:
		return None

# Each TCP connection is represented by an object of this class.
class AdminConnection(object):

	def __init__(self, srv, sock, addr):
		print 'new rcon/admin connection from %s:%d' % (addr[0], addr[1])
		self.server = srv
		self.sock = sock
		self.addr = addr
		self.buffer = ''
		self.seed = make_seed(16)
		self.correct_digest = digest(self.seed, options['admin.password'])
		self.outbuf = OutputBuffer(self.sock)
		# Welcome message *must* end with \n\n
		self.outbuf.enqueue('### Battlefield 2 default RCON/admin ready.\n')
		self.outbuf.enqueue('### Digest seed: %s\n' % (self.seed))
		self.outbuf.enqueue('\n') # terminate welcome message with extra LF

	def update(self):
		err = None
			allowBatching = options['admin.allowBatching']
			while not err:
				data = self.sock.recv(1024)
				if data:
					self.buffer += data
					while not err:
						nlpos = self.buffer.find('\n')
						if nlpos != -1:
							self.server.onRemoteCommand(self, self.buffer[0:nlpos])
							self.buffer = self.buffer[nlpos+1:] # keep rest of buffer
							if len(self.buffer) > 128:
								err = 'data format error: no newline in message'
						if not allowBatching: break
					err = 'peer disconnected'
				if not allowBatching: break

		except socket.error, detail:
			if detail[0] != errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
				err = detail[1]

		if not err:
			err = self.outbuf.update()

		if err:
			print 'rcon: closing %s:%d: %s' % (self.addr[0], self.addr[1], err)
				print 'rcon: warning: failed to close %s' % (self.addr)
			return 0
			return 1

# Context passed to remote command implementations for them to write output to
# either a remote tcp socket or an in-game client executing 'rcon <command>'.
class CommandContext(object):
	def __init__(self):
		self.player = None
		self.socket = None
		self.output = []

	def isInGame(self): return self.player is not None
	def isSocket(self): return self.socket is not None
	def write(self, text): self.output.append(text)

# The server itself.
class AdminServer(object):

	def __init__(self, port):
		# state for tcp rcon connections
		self.port = port
		self.backlog = 1
		self.peers = []

		# state for in-game rcon connections
		host.registerHandler('RemoteCommand', self.onRemoteCommand, 1)
		host.registerHandler('PlayerDisconnect', self.onPlayerDisconnect, 1)
		host.registerHandler('ChatMessage', self.onChatMessage, 1)

		# contains player ids for players which have successfully authenticated
		# themselves with 'rcon login <passwd>'
		self.authed_players = {}
		# contains sockets for connections which have successfully authenticated
		# themselves with 'login <passwd>'
		self.authed_sockets = {}

		# rcon commands supported in this vanilla version
		self.rcon_cmds = {
			'login': self.rcmd_login,
			'users': self.rcmd_users,
			'exec': self.rcmd_exec

	# Called when a user types 'rcon ' followed by any string in a client
	# console window or when a TCP client sends a complete line to be
	# evaluated.
	def onRemoteCommand(self, playerid_or_socket, cmd):
		cmd = cmd.strip()
		interactive = True

		# Is this a non-interactive client?
		if len(cmd) > 0 and cmd[0] == '\x02':
			cmd = cmd[1:]
			interactive = False

		spacepos = cmd.find(' ')
		if spacepos == -1: spacepos=len(cmd)
		subcmd = cmd[0:spacepos]

		ctx = CommandContext()
		authed = 0
		if type(playerid_or_socket) == types.IntType:
			ctx.player = playerid_or_socket
			authed = self.authed_players.has_key(ctx.player)
			ctx.socket = playerid_or_socket
			authed = self.authed_sockets.has_key(ctx.socket)
		# you can only login unless you are authenticated
		if subcmd != 'login' and not authed:
			ctx.write('error: not authenticated: you can only invoke \'login\'\n')
			if self.rcon_cmds.has_key(subcmd):
				self.rcon_cmds[subcmd](ctx, cmd[spacepos+1:])
				ctx.write('unknown command: \'%s\'\n' % (subcmd))

		feedback = ''.join(ctx.output)
		if ctx.socket:
			if interactive:
				ctx.socket.outbuf.enqueue(feedback + '\x04')
			host.rcon_feedback(ctx.player, feedback)

	# When players disconnect, remove them from the auth map if they were
	# authenticated so that the next user with the same id doesn't get rcon
	# access.
	def onPlayerDisconnect(self, player_id):
		if self.authed_players.has_key(player_id):
			del self.authed_players[player_id]

	# Called whenever a player issues a chat string.
	def onChatMessage(self, player_id, text, channel, flags):
		print 'chat: pid=%d text=\'%s\' channel=%s' % (player_id, text, channel)

	# Sets up the listening TCP RCON socket. This binds to, which may
	# not be what you want but it's a sane default for most installations.
	def openSocket(self):
			self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
			#self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_LINGER, 0)
			#self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
			self.sock.bind(('', self.port))
		except socket.error, detail:
			print 'failed to bind rcon socket--only in-game rcon will be enabled'

	# WARNING: update is called very frequently -- don't go crazy with logic
	# here.
	def update(self):
		# if we don't have a socket, just return
		if not self.sock: return

		# without blocking, check for new connections
			conn, peeraddr = self.sock.accept()
			self.peers.append(AdminConnection(self, conn, peeraddr))
		except socket.error, detail:
			if detail[0] != errno.EWOULDBLOCK:
				raise socket.error, detail

		# update clients and mark connections that fail their update
		disc = []
		for client in self.peers:
			if not client.update(): disc.append(client)

		# delete any auth status for closed tcp connections
		for d in disc:
			if self.authed_sockets.has_key(d): del self.authed_sockets[d]

		# now keep the remaining clients
		self.peers = filter(lambda x: x not in disc, self.peers)

	def shutdown(self):
		if self.sock:

	# Command implementations go here (member functions of the AdminServer)

	# Allows a in-game rcon client to authenticate and get access.
	def rcmd_login(self, ctx, cmd):
		success = 0
		if ctx.isInGame():
			# We're called by an in-game rcon client, use plain-text password
			# (encoded into bf2 network stream).
			if cmd.strip() == options['admin.password']:
					self.authed_players[ctx.player] = 1
					success = 1
			elif self.authed_players.has_key(ctx.player):
					del self.authed_players[ctx.player]
			# tcp client, require seeded digest to match instead of pw
			if cmd.strip() == ctx.socket.correct_digest:
				self.authed_sockets[ctx.socket] = 1
				print 'rcon: tcp client from %s:%d logged on' % ctx.socket.addr
				success = 1
				if self.authed_sockets.has_key(ctx.socket):
					del self.authed_sockets[ctx.socket]
				print 'rcon: tcp client from %s:%d failed pw challenge' % ctx.socket.addr

		if success:
			ctx.write('Authentication successful, rcon ready.\n')
			ctx.write('Authentication failed.\n')

	# Lists rcon-authenticated players.
	def rcmd_users(self, ctx, cmd):
		ctx.write('active rcon users:\n')
		for id in self.authed_players:
			if id == -1:
				ctx.write('-1 (local server console)\n')
					player = bf2.playerManager.getPlayerByIndex(id)
					ctx.write('%d from %s name=\'%s\'\n' % (id, player.getAddress(), player.getName()))
					ctx.write('%d (no info)\n' % (id))

		for peer in self.authed_sockets:
			ctx.write('tcp: %s:%d\n' % (peer.addr[0], peer.addr[1]))

	# Executes a console command on the server.
	def rcmd_exec(self, ctx, cmd):

# Determine where to load the config from
mapListFileParts = host.rcon_invoke( 'mapList.configFile' ).split( '/' );
del mapListFileParts[len( mapListFileParts ) - 1]
profileDir = "/".join( mapListFileParts )
adminSettingsFile = profileDir + "/adminsettings.con"

# parse the configuration file
parseConfig( adminSettingsFile )

print "Starting rcon on port %s" % ( options['admin.port'] )

# our single server instance
server = AdminServer(int(options['admin.port']))

# These functions are called from the engine -- we implement them in terms of a
# class instance:

def init():
	print 'initializing default admin/rcon module'
	# load (optional) admin scripts like teamkill punish and autobalance
	import standard_admin

def shutdown():
	if server:
		print 'shutting down default admin/rcon module'

def update():
	if server: server.update()


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