Plea for CTF support in BF2 + 2 other things...

Brigham Stevens brs at
Fri Oct 1 12:55:23 EDT 2004

Hi Andreas,

Please make sure there is support for CTF games in BF2! Please please... 
We love it so. There is nothing better than having to escape across 
hostile lands with the enemy flag. It is intense and the most exciting 
game play ever.

It seems like it has taken a side line to conquest mode play. Please 
don't abandon this staple of online playing!

Could you please let us know what you plan for CTF and BF2? I noticed 
that it wasn't really supported for BFV, and so we didn't really get 
into that game much.

Also, long ago I wrote to you about a couple features that you thought 
were a good idea:

admin.killPlayer  -
 (this was documented in bf1942 , but didn't work) admins could use as 
punishment short of kicking.

admin.setPlayerTeam -
For admins to balance teams. Being able to change a player's team will 
be awesome, because it will make automated tournament management systems 

admin.setPlayerName -
Being able to change other players names will also help automated 
tournament systems.

I hope you will consider these features for BF2.

Thank you.
Unholy Desert of Doom
Unholy Galaxy
Unholy Interstate
Unholy 3on3 CTF Tournaments

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