game.ServerBandwidthChokeLimit 0 & Desert Combat Mod

roger rogerxxmaillist at
Fri Mar 14 14:49:07 EST 2003

Bandwidth limit?
game.ServerBandwidthChokeLimit 0  what is the definition of this

A seasoned linux user but have yet to see a url pointing to the website
that is well documented with these settings.

Basically, i'm looking for the setting that enhances game play by not
allowing ping levels reach a certain level, or else it will punt them
(ie no pings >250ms)

Desert Combat Mod?
Also, i'm trying to find info on howto apply the mod to
this server.  I would pressume to unzip or install the mod via using
wine but specify the ./bf1942/bf1942-lnxded-1.3beta/ as the install
folder?  (however, think most and I would just rather unzip and cp -rf
that over into the working ./bf1942/bf1942-lnxded-1.3beta/ ;-)

I've only seen one or two linux beta servers up when using the bf1942
game to connect to the internet.  What gives?  There are not allot of
linux servers ...or are all the Servers named something other then Linux
masking their presence?


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