Battlefield 1942 Win32 Dedicated Server with WineX - Rough Install Instructions

Mike Esler mesler at
Thu Apr 3 16:07:33 EST 2003

Since I received at least one email asking how to do things, I figured I'd
post a brief howto to the list.

You need WineX 3 Pre-release to do this.
The pre-release does NOT support CD copy protection checks, so you cannot
install BF1942 under WineX 3.

1.) Copy your existing patched (and cracked if it is already) BF1942
directory to your server.

2.) Install a no-cd crack for BF1942 1.31  if you haven't. (i used a
non-RtR patch, but it appears to have a patched file to allow RtR to
play.)  I just downloaded a zip file from a popular site with cracks and
did unzip -a from within my BF1942 directory.  I can't
remember if this is required for the dedicated server, but I think it is.

3.) Install WineX 3 pre-release, and the updated winex start script (I
believe you need to be a subscriber to get these files.  I'm a subscriber,
so I'm always logged in and have access.

4.) I had to copy the following files to my
$HOME/.transgaming/c_drive/windows/system32 directory from my Windows
system32 directory:
MFC42.DLL, msvcp60.dll.  You may not need one or the other.  These are
both needed for the server setup gui I would imagine.

5.) From within X (or on an xterm thru a vnc session), cd to your BF1942
directory and run:
winex3 --winver nt40 -- ./DedicatedServer.exe +restart 1 +hostServer 1
+dedicated 1 (this is just what I ran, and some options may not be

5.5) I reniced my main wine process to -5 to give it higher priority.

6.) At this point the Gui should pop up, you select your options, and
click start game.


Mike Esler
mesler at

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