Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractTerrain

Uses of AbstractTerrain in us.asciiroth.client.terrain

Subclasses of AbstractTerrain in us.asciiroth.client.terrain
 class Altar
          An altar.
 class BeeHive
          A special kind of AgentCreator that creates bees when it receives a color event, presumably fired from the death of another KillerBee on the board.
 class Boards
          Floor that has crate boards on it.
 class Bookshelf
          A bookshelf.
 class Bridge
          A bridge you can walk over.
 class BubblingLava
          A decorative terrain to spice up lava, that hopefully makes it look like the lava is "spouting".
 class Bushes
 class CaveEntrance
          A cave entrance, that acts like either up stairs or down stairs depending on whether it is outside or inside (being a cave entrance, it must be the means to move between an outside and an inside map).
 class ChalkedFloor
          Chalk converts the floor piece to the chalked floor piece.
 class Chest
          A box that can only be opened with a key of the appropriate color.
 class Cloud
          White, fluffy, rectangular clouds you can walk on.
 class Crate
          A large box that can be broken open with a large hammer, to reveal an item.
 class Crevasse
          An impassable crevasse.
 class Dirt
 class Door
          A door that can be open (unlocked) or closed (locked).
 class EmptyChest
          An indicator of an opened and empty chest.
 class EuclideanEngine
          When activated, fires a color event.
 class EuclideanTransporter
          This is a special transporter that has complicated activation requirements (exactly for Euclidean Engines need to be activated on the board before this transporter will switch from the off to the on state, and allow the player to transport).
 class Exchanger
          When the player walks into an exchanger, the item the player is holding is exchanged with the piece on the other side of the exchanger.
 class FarthapodNest
          An AgentCreator specifically for Farthapods.
 class Field
          A field of crops.
 class FishPool
          Uncrossable water that can yield a fish, and that evolves the terrain to move this capability around any nearby water.
 class Floor
          Dungeon floor.
 class Flowers
          For my daughter, a purely decorative terrain indicating flowers.
 class ForceField
          A force field will not allow the player to pass through it while keeping any items in his or her inventory.
 class Forest
 class Fountain
          A decorative piece that looks like a fountain spouting water.
 class Gate
          A gate.
 class Haystack
          A haystack which will hide items on this cell.
 class HighRocks
          High rocks can also be traversed, but nothing can fly over them.
 class ImpassableCliffs
          Cliffs that cannot be traversed by any kind of agent.
 class KeySwitch
          A kind of switch that can only be flipped through the use of a key that matches the KeySwitch's color.
 class Lava
 class LowRocks
          These rocks can be traversed.
 class Mud
 class Ocean
 class OpeningMarker
 class Pier
          A pier that you can walk on.
 class Pit
          Impassable but items can be thrown across it.
 class PressurePlate
          This is a plate on the floor that when crossed onto or crossed off of, will trigger a color event.
 class Pylon
          A pylon is a teleporter that must be activated with a crystal of the same color.
 class PyramidWall
          A wall that can be colored, just for an effect.
 class Raft
          A raft.
 class Reflector
          A reflector is an abstract puzzle piece that has a "reflector" pointing in a given direction.
 class Rubble
          Floor that has rubble on it.
 class RustyGate
          A rusty gate that cannot be opened, but you can still shoot things through it.
 class Sand
          Sand, maybe beach, maybe desert.
 class ShallowSwamp
 class ShallowWater
          Water an agent can walk through.
 class Shooter
          A terrain type that shoots some form of ammunition (actually, it'll shoot anything...
 class Sky
          Blue sky.
 class StairsDown
          Stairs down.
 class StairsUp
          Stairs up.
 class Surf
          Shallow ocean water that the player can traverse.
 class Swamp
 class Switch
          A switch.
 class Teleporter
          When the player enters this terrain, he or she is teleported to the indicated map and position.
 class Throne
          A throne.
 class TrashPile
          A pile of trash which will hide items on this cell.
 class Turnstile
          Creates a one-way passage to either the west or the east.
 class Urn
          A large urn that can have an item inside it.
 class VendingMachine
          Asciiroth's means of supporting shops.
 class Wall
          A wall.
 class Water
          Water that is too deep to walk across.
 class Waterfall
          A waterfall.
 class Weeds
 class WishingWell
          Wishing well.
 class WoodPiling
          A wood piling, basically the thing that holds up a pier.

Uses of AbstractTerrain in us.asciiroth.client.terrain.grasses

Subclasses of AbstractTerrain in us.asciiroth.client.terrain.grasses
 class BeachGrass
          Beach grass (decorative).
 class BunchGrass
          Bunch grass (decorative).
 class Grass
          Grass that you can walk on.
 class Scrub
          Scrub (decorative).
 class SwampGrass
          Swamp grass (decorative).
 class TallGrass
          Tall grass (decorative).


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