by eukara
A dark backalley in an industrial district
featuring two football goals and an actual ball to
play with! Also perfect for AI vs AI battles.

by Xylemon
A dark, dystopian depiction of a futuristic
arcade. Full of music that eukara listens to. Also
features drivable segways and the one and only
saxophone concert in QUAKE history!

by Xylemon
A general sandboxy hub. Allows you to visit the
episodes of QUAKE as well as select most custom
maps in Qreate.

by Xylemon
Highly abstract map, focused towards posing/making
scenes. Full of varied sets and stories.

by eukara
First map eukara ever made for Qreate. Large
outdoor area and two towers.

by eukara
A fast moving train! Oh noes!
Imagine all the possibilities!

by Xylemon
The very first map ever created for Qreate. Very
basic map with no specific purpose other than
offering a few different areas to play on.