Other and Random
Blood - Life'll Kill Ya
![Blood - Life'll Kill Snapshott Blood - Life'll Kill Snapshott](./Other/Life.png)
A remix, completed by Malcolm Wilson, of the opening cutscene to the 1997 computer game Blood to the song "Life'll Kill Ya" from Warren Zevon's 2000 album of the same name. A case of spooky collusion exaggerated by finding just that right timing balance... The video was uploaded to YouTube under the Blood Wiki account. Video content is copyright 1997 Monolith Productions whilst the song is copyright 2000 Artemis Records. Used under the terms of fair use for non-commercial uses. As can be assumed from the game in question, the video contains some scenes of simulated violence.
Links: YouTube, Blood Wiki
2008 Malcolm Wilson
Homer's Miscommunication
![Homer's Miscommunication Snapshot Homer's Miscommunication Snapshot](./Other/Homer.png)
Inspired by a clip from The Colbert Report talking about a certain posited "logic" from The O'Reilly Factor, Malcolm Wilson edited in this addition of a clip from The Simpsons episode "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Homer)" from its eighth season. For those not interested or incompatible with the sense of humour portrayed, one may look purely at the video editing. Clips from The Colbert Report, The Simpsons and The O'Reilly Factor are copyrighted by Viacom and 20th Century Fox respectively and are used under the terms of fair use parody noting non-commercial use.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZql5-rCp8U
Made in Kdenlive by Malcolm Wilson on Fedora 13 GNU/Linux and posted on February 4, 2011.
Accidentally Voted Harper
![Accidentally Voted Harper Snapshot Accidentally Voted Harper Snapshot](./Other/Accidentally.png)
A criticism of Stephen Harper's Conservative government through a parody of Warren Zevon's song "Accidentally Like a Martyr", based on the alternative demo version released on the album "Preludes: Rare and Unreleased Recordings". The song was written by Hamish Wilson and "sung" by Malcolm Wilson. The video was somewhat rushed out in time for the 41st Canadian General Election, 2011, and so features less than desired imagery and inexperienced singing. Malcolm Wilson invites others to freely build upon the concept, particulary given the continued applicability, and appropriateness, given the result. As stated for "Homer's Miscommunication", for those of differing opinions or incompatible senses of humour one may simply observed the production quality; even if it is less than was desired.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaXoPoqLOQw
Produced in Kdenlive, audio made with Audactiy 1.3.12-beta and visuals made with VLC media player 1.1.7 by Malcolm Wilson on Fedora 13 GNU/Linux. The original song and underlying track is copyright 2007 New West Records and used under the terms of fair use for non-commercial uses.
Mike Tulley Interview
![Mike Tulley Interview Cover Mike Tulley Interview Cover](./Other/Interview.png)
As part of completing English 30-1, Malcolm Wilson was able to interview Mike Tulley (on October 6, 2010), a U.S Army deserter from the Vietnam War. Mike Tulley has given MWM full permission to release the interview: "I have no objection to allowing you or others to view or redistribute it", and was consulted over licenses to release it under. In the end, it is released under the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 and/or the Creative Commons - Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 or any later versions of these licenses.
Link: http://www.archive.org/details/MikeTulleyInterview-October6-2010
The files consist of:
1. Three raw HD 720p, 60 fps, videos of the interview recorded with a KODAK Zx1 Pocket Video Camera.
2. Three uncut FLAC audio files of the interview, recorded with a Sennheiser e 825-S Dynamic microphone and Audacity.
3. One 30 minute DVD iso of the interview edited with Kdenlive, that was submitted as the school assignment.
2010-2011 Malcolm Wilson Multimedia
Warren Zevon Wiki
MWM, like with the Blood Wiki, created the logo for the Warren Zevon Wiki over at Wikia:
Download as SVG (image is free content).
In the process of this, he also converted the drawing of Zevon from Enjoy Every Sandwich:
Download as SVG (image used under fair use).
2009 Malcolm Wilson Multimedia
Gambas Vectors
To facilitate some graphics work for Piga Software, MWM vectorized these mascots for the Gambas programming language. These files are released under the GNU General Public License version 3, as well as any later version published by the Free Software Foundation
1. Gambas 1 Mascot SVG
2. Gambas 3 Mascot SVG
Note: The first image is a full conversion whilst the second is slightly modified from the original.
2010 Malcolm Wilson Multimedia
Piga Vectors and Logos
Malcolm Wilson Multimedia mocked up a modern SVG vector version of the logo used by Piga Software . Later, MWM also designed a fancier logo for their wiki when it changed hosts; as well as a redirect image for the old host. These files are released under the GNU General Public License version 3 or the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3, as well as any later version of either license published by the Free Software Foundation
1. Piga Logo SVG
2. PigaLore Wiki Logo SVG
2009-2011 Malcolm Wilson Multimedia
![DONKEY.GB Screenshot DONKEY.GB](http://tropicalwikis.com/static/images/wikis/piga/9/95/Donkey.png)
Malcolm Wilson Multimedia created a series of retro sound effects and ambient noises for DONKEY.GB, a "Gambas Example" by Piga Software based on the classic BASIC source code game example DONKEY.BAS. These files are released under the GNU General Public License version 3 or the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3, as well as any later version of either license published by the Free Software Foundation.
1. Acceleration One
2. Acceleration Two
3. Move One
4. Move Two
5. Crash One
6. Crash Two
2011 Malcolm Wilson Multimedia
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