[openbox] make the root-menu appear at a fixed location when opening it with a keyboard shortcut, possible?

Anthony Thyssen A.Thyssen at griffith.edu.au
Wed Oct 1 19:13:25 EDT 2014

On Tue, 30 Sep 2014 23:51:06 -0700
Ian Zimmerman <itz at buug.org> wrote:
| On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 09:38:38 +1000,
| Anthony Thyssen <A.Thyssen at griffith.edu.au> wrote:
| > For consistency I tend to make all my global key bindings 'Meta'
| > shifted (The 'window key' on my keyboard).
| I guess you're an Emacs infidel, then :-P  Beware!
Emacs.... Gad no..  (Present sign against evil)

| Myself, I have Meta = Alt, Super = Window, and bind the latter
| exclusively to WM things.  One of my eternal complaints against most
| other WMs (especially those built into "intergrated" desktops, ahem) is
| that they hardcode the obnoxious M$ Alt-Tab for window switching thus
| putting it out of reach of my deity.
Tell me about it...

If I logout, the only way to login is to select the username and
password boxes on the login screen.  But that requires a mouse.
Without the mouse you need to use that obscure Alt-Tab to get the input
window highlighted! even though it is the primary purpose of the
whole display!

It took me 6 months to figure out a non-mouse method to 'login'
and even then I find it very in-convenient!

Note I don't use gnome window manager at any other time! I don't even
know why they even considered a window manager was necessary for a
dedicated login screen!  It never used to be the case before this.

To me it just provides something else that could break, or be 'hacked'
on the login screen.  Not that anyone hacks things when standing in
front of the computer anymore.

| The possibility of reconfiguring that is also one of the first things I
| check to see if a system is even worth trying.
I just don't use it!  That is why I use Openbox.  Something that is
reconfigurable to do what I want, and not what some developer 'thinks'
I want.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )    <A.Thyssen at griffith.edu.au>
   "What was that?" Jerry asked, peering over the edge.
   "I think it was a ninja dwarf." Wiz said wonderingly...
                                           -- Rick Cook, "Wizardry Cursed"
   Anthony's Castle     http://www.ict.griffith.edu.au/anthony/

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