[openbox] make the root-menu appear at a fixed location when opening it with a keyboard shortcut, possible?

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Wed Oct 1 02:51:06 EDT 2014

On Wed, 24 Sep 2014 09:38:38 +1000,
Anthony Thyssen <A.Thyssen at griffith.edu.au> wrote:

> For consistency I tend to make all my global key bindings 'Meta'
> shifted (The 'window key' on my keyboard).

I guess you're an Emacs infidel, then :-P  Beware!

Myself, I have Meta = Alt, Super = Window, and bind the latter
exclusively to WM things.  One of my eternal complaints against most
other WMs (especially those built into "intergrated" desktops, ahem) is
that they hardcode the obnoxious M$ Alt-Tab for window switching thus
putting it out of reach of my deity.

The possibility of reconfiguring that is also one of the first things I
check to see if a system is even worth trying.

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