[openbox] On-key-release keybindings
Anthony Thyssen
a.thyssen at griffith.edu.au
Wed Apr 30 07:01:17 EDT 2014
Even if openbox doesn't provide it there are other ways to do this.Though I
am not certain which X Event handlers actually can do this, it would be
useful to know.
I have been collecting some notes on handling and generating events at
Though most of the emphasis has been more on generating keyboard macros
using xbindkeys, and openbox. For example press W-F1 and openbox types
your email address into the current text input box.
Like I have said in the past....
There are lots of ways to skin a cat, and what method you use depends
on what you want that skin for, and how messy you like the results!
-- Anthony Thyssen
On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 12:18 AM, The Wanderer <wanderer at fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> Does OpenBox's keybindings facility provide any way to bind an action to
> what xev reports as a KeyRelease event, rather than to KeyPress?
> I'm experimenting with trying to produce a Linux UI which works as much
> as possible like the standard Windows UI. I'm starting out with a base
> of LXDE, which uses OpenBox. LXDE includes a Start-menu type of widget,
> but does not bind it to the Win key by default.
> In Windows XP (not sure about 7 yet), when you press the Win key, the
> Start menu does not open immediately; it only opens when the key is
> released. This is presumably so that multi-key Win+[other key] bindings
> can work, without having the press of the Win key be eaten by the
> single-key bind. (Also, this probably helps avoid having the Start menu
> open briefly every time you try to use a Win+[other key] shortcut.)
> I've successfully bound the Win key (Super_L) to the appropriate LXDE
> menu command via the relevant OpenBox XML file; the way to do that is
> documented in many places online. However, everything I've tried only
> seems to bind it to the KeyPress event. I haven't found any OpenBox- or
> LXDE-related discussion of KeyRelease bindings in documentation or
> online forums at all.
> If there is facility for KeyRelease bindings in OpenBox, I'd like to
> learn what it is, so I can use it. If there isn't, I'd like to ask if it
> could be added, for a future release. If not, I'll have to fall back on
> some non-OpenBox keybindings method to try to get this to work.
> - --
> The Wanderer
> Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.
> A government exists to serve its citizens, not to control them.
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