[openbox] How to bind the Super key (just the super key)?

Ian Zimmerman itz at buug.org
Thu Sep 5 23:59:15 EDT 2013

On Thu, 5 Sep 2013 12:21:49 +0200
seanh <snhmnd at gmail.com> wrote:

seanh> Yeah, I have that as well, but I find it a bit too annoying to
seanh> have to activate the root menu, then move the selection to the
seanh> Windows item, then hit the right arrow key, then finally start
seanh> selecting a window.

Do you know that you can hit the first letter of a root menu entry to
select it?  It is not obvious because they're not underlined ..

seanh> What I'd really want is an Openbox menu that behaves like this:

seanh> - Launchers for my favourite apps etc, as in a normal root menu
seanh> (and also support any other normal menu items I might add,
seanh> e.g. to logout etc)

You can do that already, as you of course know.  But not with the fancy
context specific behavior you describe below.

seanh> - Open windows are also shown in the menu, but inline, not in a
seanh> sub menu

seanh> - If I have e.g. a launcher for Firefox and I also have multiple
seanh> Firefox windows open, this would not create multiple Firefox
seanh> entries in the menu, there'd be only the single Firefox entry but
seanh> when selected it would raise one of the Firefox windows, not open
seanh> a new Firefox window.

seanh> - When no Firefox windows are open, the Firefox item would still
seanh> be shown in the menu, clicking it would open a new Firefox window

seanh> - For apps that I don't specify a launcher for in the menu, those
seanh> apps would only appear in the menu when they have windows open,
seanh> otherwise they'd be missing.

seanh> If one of these apps has multiple windows open, only one item for
seanh> it appears in the menu, clicking it raises one of the windows,
seanh> but the item also has a submenu attached where you can select a
seanh> specific window.

seanh> - Launchers would have a dot next to them if there's a window for
seanh> that app open, two dots if two windows, and three dots if three
seanh> or more windows

seanh> - When a launcher has some windows open, it also has a submenu
seanh> attached where you can select a specific window to raise (but you
seanh> can also just click on the launcher itself without opening the
seanh> submenu, and this would just raise one of the windows)

Ian> Second, I find it most natural to bind the Menu key, rather than
Ian> any other key, to this action.  Don't you agree?

seanh> Yeah that's a good key for it, but unfortunately my laptop
seanh> keyboard doesn't have a Menu key, so I'm using Right Shift
seanh> instead. That's good enough, Right Shift is a big key that's easy
seanh> to hit and I never use it for anything else.

Hmm.  I am curious what kind of laptop it is?

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