[openbox] question on window size

Fred fred at blakemfg.com
Sun Feb 24 12:13:18 EST 2013

On 02/24/2013 10:44 AM, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Feb 2013 05:36:42 -0700
> Fred<fred at blakemfg.com>  wrote:
> Ian>  Does openbox make visual icons for minimized windows at all?  That
> Ian>  would be news to me - I thought not, and I never missed them ;-)
> Fred>  If openbox doesn't make icons for minimized windows how would one
> Fred>  find a minimized window to continue using it?  ps -e | grep
> Fred>  minimized-application shows it is still running.
> Two ways:
> 1.  Window menu (which can be configured to become a submenu of the root
> menu)
> 2.  Alt-Tab (or whatever other keybinding you have for window switching)
> Fred>  Are you saying I need to upgrade to Debian 7 to make openbox work
> Fred>  correctly? dpkg --status openbox says openbox is installed ok.
> Fred>  The version I am using is which is later than your
> Fred>  version.  Are you saying I need to install the earlier version
> Fred>  instead?
> Fred>  The installed version of xterm is the same as the one on a PC
> Fred>  running the same version of Debian 6.0 under gnome which allows
> Fred>  copy/paste.  How do I get copy/paste under openbox?  Best regards,
> No, 3.5.0>  3.4.11.  In any case, I am sure this has little to do with
> openbox and everything to do with the way you have X11 set up.  Care to
> ask on comp.windows.x?  I'll honestly try to help there.
Hi Ian,
In your previous post you show the output of dpkg --status openbox.  The 
version shown is:  Is this actually 3.5?

The documentation for openbox configuration under titleLayout shows a 
function for iconify.  The horizontal line on the title bar does 
something which implies the window was supposed to be iconified.  What 
is this actually supposed to do?  In your reply above you mention window 
switching.  If one attempts to iconify a window by clicking the 
horizontal bar the app does not appear in another window (desktop).  It 
is gone somewhere that does not appear to be accessible.  Are you 
suggesting one should switch desktops to use different applications 
instead of minimizing ones not presently needed?  Perhaps whatever the 
horizontal bar does should be disabled in the software so it doesn't 
become a trap for the user.

I don't understand how the window menu applies to this problem.

Best regards,

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